Friday, July 14, 2023

Divergent Astrology (21st Century Multidimensional Astrology) - The Way I Do Astrology

 The Way I do Astrology

I have been studying Astrology since end of June of 1998.  My interest in Astrology as a psychological tool was inspired by reading Carl Jung who used Astrology for insights into the human psyche.   I have studied American Federation of Astrologers course to learn the foundations of Astrology.  I used Glenn Perry's Psychological Astrology books to extensively study Astrology.

Steven Forrest, Stephen Arroyo, Liz Greene, Robert Hand, and Noel Tyl are other astrologers whose books have helped me learn Astrology.

I use the following in Astrology:

Sun, Moon, Mercury, Venus, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune, Pluto, Midheaven/Imum Coeli axis, Ascendant/Descendant axis, and  Lunar Nodes.

also minor planets that include Pluto's fellow transneptunian dwarf planet/candidates that include Eris, Haumea, Makemake, Gonggong, Quaoar, Sedna, Orcus and asteroid dwarf planet Ceres which are objects that have diameters that are over 900 km

Astrologers look at angular relationships between objects, points known as aspects which are based on Geometry and Harmonics.

I use the following aspects in Astrology:

Ptolemaic Aspects:

conjunction which is 0 degrees (1st Harmonic)

opposition which is 180 degrees (2nd Harmonic)

trine which is 120 degrees (3rd Harmonic)

square which is 90 degrees (4th Harmonic)

sextile which is 60 degrees (6th Harmonic)

Minor Aspects:

semisextile which is 30 degrees (12th Harmonic)

quincunx which is 150 degrees (12th Harmonic)

semisquare which is 45 degrees (8th Harmonic)

sesquiquadrate which is 135 degrees (8th Harmonic)

quintile which is 72 degrees (5th Harmonic)

biquintile which is 144 degrees (5th Harmonic)

I also use other minor aspect harmonics if there is a Harmonic Syndrome aka Aspect Pattern.

A Harmonic Syndrome with a corresponding midpoint picture will be significant.

I use a strictly Geometrical and Harmonic approach to Astrology with the focus on only aspects. I don't focus on Zodiac Signs and Houses.  

I use the Sidereal Zodiac as a point of reference to measure zodiacal aspects. 

I look at aspects in Ecliptic Longitude, Right Ascension, Declination, and parans. I am also considering Galactic Longitude.

zodiacal aspects, aspects used:

conjunction, opposition, square, trine - 5 degrees (3 degrees for dwarf planet/candidates, major asteroids)

sextile - 3 degrees (2 degrees for dwarf planet/candidates, major asteroids)

quincunx,semisextile,semisquare,sesquiquadrate,quintile,biquintile - 1 1/2 degrees (1 degree for transneptunian dwarf planet/candidates, major asteroids)

Declination aspects used:

parallel, contraparallel - 1 degree (1/2 degree for transneptunian dwarf planet/candidates, major asteroids)

parans used with 8 minutes of Sidereal Time (6 minutes of Sidereal Time for transneptunian dwarf planet/candidates, major asteroids)

conjunctions (conjunction in Oblique Ascension, conjunction in Oblique Descension, conjunction in Right Ascension) 

oppositions (Oblique Ascension oppose Oblique Descension, Oblique Descension square Right Ascension) - 

square (Oblique Ascension square Right Ascension, Oblique Descension square Right Ascension)

(Ecliptic Longitude and Right Ascension)

The aforementioned orbs are the ones that Robert Hand recommended in his book, HOROSCOPE SYMBOLS.

parallel, contraparallel - 1 degree

Transit orbs I use are

3 degrees for conjunction, opposition, square, trine

1 degree for sextile

half a degree for semisextile, quincunx, semisquare, sesquiquadrate

(zodiacal aspects)

I use Heliocentric Planetary Nodes which were pioneered by Grant Lewi. Dane Rudhyar and Carl Payne Tobey used them. Dane Rudhyar referred to the use of them as Orbital Astrology.

1 degree for conjunction, square, trine/sextile ( Sun, Moon, Midheaven/Imum Coeli axis, Ascendant/Descendant axis for clues to major life themes)

The following are objects that I use for fine tuning and digging deeper into the chart, looking at specific themes:

I use centaurs, minor asteroids, minor transneptunian objects  in Astrology.

These are the natal orbs that I use:

1 degrees for conjunction, opposition, square, trine, sextile in Ecliptic Longitude, Right Ascension

Galactic Longitude could be considered

10 minutes for parallel, contraparallel in Declination (30 minutes for Ceres, Pallas, Vesta, and Juno)

4 minutes of Sidereal Time for parans

I use stars

Ecliptic Longitude conjunction - 1 degree

Right Ascension conjunction, opposition - 1 degree

parans - 4 minutes of Sidereal Time 

For forecasting purposes, I also look at  Transits, Solar Arc, Secondary Progressions, Lunar Return, and Solar Return

Divergent Astrology (21st Century Multidimensional Astrology) - The Way I Do Astrology

 The Way I do Astrology I have been studying Astrology since end of June of 1998.  My interest in Astrology as a psychological tool was insp...