Thursday, December 17, 2020

Converting to Sidereal Zodiac from Tropical Zodiac

I use the Sidereal Zodiac since I switched from Tropical Zodiac back in fall of 2015 after buying and reading Gavin White's Babylonian Star-lore.  I was a temporary Sidereal Zodiac user in 2012 and bought a couple of Cyril Fagan's books and Kenneth Bowser's Introduction to Western Sidereal Astrology. 

It was reading about Robert Hand recommending using precession correction with Tropical Transits in his book, Planets in Transit that made me question using the Tropical Zodiac for looking at transits and returns.

Even before I switched Zodiacs, I was focused mainly on Planetary Geometry because of my being strongly influenced by Magi Astrology and Cosmobiology.

I temporarily converted back in 2012 after reading Cyril Fagan's books, but I went back to Tropical Zodiac out of habit.

Gavin White opened my eyes.

I have Moon and Mars in Sidereal Aquarius. They are in the constellation, Aquarius. My Moon is conjunct alpha Aquarii Sadalmelek and theta Aquarii Ancha.

My Moon is conjunct gamma Aquarii Sadalbachia and Ancha in Right Ascension.

My Moon is in a 3D conjunction with Ancha. 

The stuff that Gavin White wrote about Aquarius deeply resonated with me. That's something that Diana Rosenberg and Bernadette Brady failed to do with me when I read their histories of the Aquarius constellation.

Unlike them, Gavin pointed out that Aquarius was Gu-la 'The Great One' which represented Ea/Enki who was the God of Water,Wisdom,Magic,and the Arts. He was also a fertility god. He resided in the Apsu which is a watery region located between the Earth and the Netherworld. Capricorn was Sahur-Mas-ku 'The Goatfish.' Ea's symbol was the goat-fish. Both Gu-la and Sahur-Mas-ku were associated with him. Piscis Austrinus was Ku 'The Fish', and it was associated with Ea too. As-Gan ' The Field' was the other constellation associated with Ea.

In the Mul.Apin, Gu-la is identified as Ea.

I don't believe in using elements and ruling planets for the Sidereal Zodiac. The Babylonians didn't use them. That's all Hellenistic. I strongly disagree with what Western Sidereal Astrologers and Vedic Astrologers are doing. I don't want to use the Latin names for the zodiac signs like the Western Sidereal Astrologers do.

I want to use the Mesopotamian names for the zodiac and interpret the zodiac signs based on the Mesopotamian star-lore which means that Gu-la (Aquarius) and Sahur-Mas-ku (Capricorn) would be water signs due to them being Ea/Enki and his symbol, the goat-fish. I'd see my Moon and Mars in Gu-la and North Lunar Node in Suhur-Mas-ku as watery placements with no connection to Uranus and Saturn. Mas-tab-ba-gal-gal (Gemini) would be Martian due to them being Twin Warriors that guard the Underworld ruled by Nergal which was the deity that was associated with Mars. Zi-ba-an-na (Libra) would be a strong and favorable placement for the Sun due to the fact that the scales is sacred to the Sungod, Shamash and that the sign represents him in his role as God of Truth and Justice. I view my Sun (especially), Mercury, and Venus in Zi-ba-an-na to have a solar-influence and not a Venusian influence.

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