Tuesday, January 19, 2021

President Joe Biden's Mundane Aspects/Parans


I looked at President Joe Biden's Mundane Aspects/Parans

I included Pluto's fellow transneptunian dwarf planet/candidates which are Evolutionary Intensified Objects like Pluto is

Transneptunian Dwarf Planet/Candidates - Evolutionary Intensified Objects (divergentastrology.blogspot.com)

Western Sidereal Astrologer Kenneth Bowser and Tropical Astrologer Robert Hand use mundane aspects/parans and got me very interested in them. 

Robert Hand discusses them in detail in his book, Essays On Astrology.

Kenneth Bowser discusses them in detail in his book, Introduction To Western Sidereal Astrology.

Aspects in Mundo by Kenneth Bowser


Robert Hand in Essays on Astrology defines parans as “simultaneous transits over two or more bodies over the horizon or meridian circles of a given place at the same time.” Hand defines seven types of parans as follows:

1. Two bodies rising together (conjunct the oblique Ascendant).

2. One rises while the other sets (oblique Ascendant opposition the oblique Descendant).

3. One rises, the other culminates or anti-culminates (oblique Ascendant square right ascension).

4. Two bodies set together (conjunct the oblique Descendant).

5. One body sets, the other culminates or anti-culminates (oblique Descendant square right ascension).

6. Two bodies culminate or anti-culminate together (conjunct the right ascension).

7. One culminates while the other anti-culminates (right ascension opposition right ascension).


 Robert Hand writing about parans and their connection to diurnal rhythms in his book, Essays On Astrology which was published in 1982.



8 minutes of Sidereal Time (equivalent to 2 degrees of arc)

dwarf planet/candidates - 6 minutes of Sidereal Time (equivalent to 1 1/2 degrees of arc)

November 20, 1942

Scranton, Pennsylvania

8:30 AM

19h34m05s   Moon                 Rise

19h35m56s   Sedna                Rise

Moon-Sedna conjunction paran/Moon's Oblique Ascendant conjunct Sedna's Oblique Ascendant - 1 minute, 51 seconds of Sidereal Time

emotional nature merge with unconscious depths, otherworldly as well as evolutionary intensification

<===  SEDNA: Unconscious Depths, Otherworldly  ===>
Sedna ( 2003 VB12 / 90377 ) is about the deepest levels of our personal psyche and how they operate. When these levels are transformed then extremely intense mystical spiritual connections can be established. There is a deep connection here with other realms. However, when these levels are not faced and transformed they can be horrendous.
Much Sedna energy (especially for men) wallows in the depths of depravity of which the human psyche is capable. One path to transcend the quicksand of Sedna is through humor and comedy which gives you the objectivity to step back from the edge.
KEY CONCEPTS - Sedna ( 2003 VB12 / 90377 )
Gifts that turn sinisterSpiritualist Medium – hearing voices in your head
Pleasure/Pain principle and how it affects animal and human behavior
To deal with that which is not of this worldTo deal with Spirits of the dead
Getting sucked into another worldLiving in the darkness within
Dealing with the bad guys acting out the demons withinTragedy
Crime and dealing with crimeNeed for a refuge -- Being or becoming a recluse
Victims Women and Men who have men abuse and betray them
May deal with issues or life with alcohol, potential alcoholism
Being able to rise above the worst situations and find humor in them and celebrate life this can bring an amazingly beautiful and bright light
Stepping back out of situations to see how ridiculous we are with all our issues and distresses
Emotional truth
Authenticity is achieved by drawing on inner reality to expose deep emotional experience.

Sedna ( 2003 VB12 / 90377 ) (astrologicaldepth.com)

90377 Sedna - Wikipedia

Sedna (mythology) - Wikipedia

10h54m26s   Sun                  Rise

10h58m13s   Venus                Rise

Sun-Venus conjunct paran/Sun's Oblique Ascendant conjunct Venus' Oblique Ascendant - 3 minutes, 47 minutes of Sidereal Time

self expression merge with love nature

15h41m08s   Sun                  Culminate (Right Ascension)

15h45m19s   Makemake       Set

15h45m38s   Venus                Culminate (Right Ascension)

Sun-Venus conjunction in Right Ascension - 4 minutes, 30 minutes of Sidereal Time

Sun-Makemake square paran/Sun's Right Ascension square Makemake's Oblique Descendant - 4 minutes, 8 seconds of Sidereal time

Venus-Makemake square paran/Venus' Right Ascension square Makemake's Oblique Descendant - 19 seconds of Sidereal Time

Sun-Venus conjunction paran in square to Makemake/Sun-Venus conjunction in Right Ascension square to Makemake's Oblique Descension

the merging of self expression and love nature in friction with intense pursuit as well as evolutionary intensification

<===  MAKEMAKE : Intense Pursuit ===>
Makemake ( 2005 FY9 / 136472 ) is a fulcrum point where there is great ability to analyze critical change elements and implement them
It ties into the pursuit of a goal in very creative ways with potential for depression and introverted seclusion afterward either from failure or from a sense of already having made it and being “over the hill” or where do I go from here. This energy can start early and flare into brilliance then burnout.
Creativity, but not as spiritual as HaumeaBeing a victim of others behavior
A lot more introverted going into seclusion or depression, withdrawing from and/or rejecting the world
Quick perception and recognition of opportunity and ability to act quickly and decisively
Redefining reality through new perspectivesRadiating impact and encounter
Reaching out into the unknown, exploring discovering something new
A type of audacity, a strength, power and definitiveness radiating from the person and impacting others

Makemake ( 2005 FY9 / 136472 ) (astrologicaldepth.com)

Makemake - Wikipedia

Makemake (deity) - Wikipedia

20h23m11s   Eris                 Rise

20h27m51 s  Sun                  Set

Sun-Eris opposition paran/Sun's Oblique Descendant oppose Eris' Oblique Ascendant - 4 minutes, 40 seconds of Sidereal Time

self expression at odds with unexpected, unsettling awareness as well as evolutionary intensification

<===  ERIS: Unexpected, Unsettling Awareness  ===>
Eris ( 2003 UB313 / 136199 ) Each of us has a normal process of thinking, a standard view of the world and of our place in it, a set of attitudes that describes who we want to believe we are. Eris is beyond that. She sees the whole and recognizes the pretensions and incorrect beliefs within the conscious operating processes. Because of this she is rejected. She is not allowed into normal operating processes. Thus she acts within each of us from way out in left field, piercing the consciousness and revealing its pretensions and misperceptions of reality. Her action is so uncomfortable that as long as the ego is in charge, she will be rejected and denied over and over again. Eris' aspects shows your blindspots, what it is hard for you to see, what she opposes, what she conflicts with, where she forces adjustments. The trine and sextile show where and in what way her awareness is easier to accept. The contraquindecile (165) shows the core nature of her awareness experienced as an outside force.
Piercing awareness that reveals and challenges the ego’s illusionsTo be an exile
To be left out or overlooked or not given credit you deserveUnfinished Projects
Metamorphosis, the recognition and communication of the essentialMaking the invisible visible
The importance of truth and of dealing with what is realTo (seek to) right wrongs and restablish the proper order of life (based on your values and beliefs)
A truly unique perspective – a different way of looking at people that sees beyond the surfaceDivisive
Perceiving and expressing the unfathomable dimensions of human emotions, the joys and tragedies of human existenceNemesis of arrogance, pretense and self-righteousness
Independence brings difficulty in relationshipsStrength and independence of women
Positive manifestation to be without ego (i.e. without pretense), genuineMay relate to AIDS

Eris ( 2003 UB313 / 136199 ) (astrologicaldepth.com)

Eris (dwarf planet) - Wikipedia

Eris (mythology) - Wikipedia

20h07m48s   Varuna               Rise

20h11m05s   Mercury              Set

Mercury-Varuna opposition paran/Mercury's Oblique Descendant oppose Varuna's Oblique Ascendant - 3 minutes, 17 seconds of Sidereal Time

communications at odds with legacy as well as evolutionary intensification

<===   VARUNA: Legacy ===>
Varuna ( 2000 WR106 / 20000 ) has a larger than life quality. It carries an impact that lasts well beyond the life of the person. In a sense it is about what the personal legacy is. This is where you focus on doing your own thing and holding your place in time and space, no matter what impact it may have on others.
KEY CONCEPTS - Varuna ( 2000 WR106 / 20000 )
Doing your own thing in a big waySpiritual expansion
ImmortalityForthright, dogmatic and often highly opinionated views
A sense of PresencePersonal integrity
Stands up to, challenges authorityMaking things happen
Bigger than lifeProminent
Is true to self and expresses what you are without reservation regardless of what others think of it

Varuna ( 2000 WR106 / 20000 ) (astrologicaldepth.com)

20000 Varuna - Wikipedia

Varuna - Wikipedia

20h33m04s   Venus                Set

20h37m01s   Gonggong         Culminate

Venus-Gonggong square paran/Venus' Oblique Descendant square Gonggong's Right Ascension - 3 minutes, 57 seconds of Sidereal Time

love nature in friction with group resonance as well as evolutionary intensification

2007 OR10 was named Gonggong

<===  225088 (2007 OR10): Group Resonance  ===>
225088 brings a sense of the group soul of humanity, or of the portion of humanity that one is connected with, whether that be a nation, a race or some other cohesive group with a particular viewpoint. There seems to be a very strong band between 1 & 2 degrees where the group resonance is understood and responded to with a little more distance than you see in the incarnates who are embedded in the Group Resonance.
KEY CONCEPTS - 225088 (2007 OR10)
To relate to, focus on large groups of people as a whole or a unit or entity of its own, rather than onindividual humans
To impact the lives of and awareness of humanityHuman Relations
To communicate with the public through a resonance with where they areTo express the feelings of groups of people, even if unpopular
To control/repress a large group of peopleTo represent “the people”, to speak for the people
To absorb the group pattern from your childhood and be strongly influenced by itTo have your identity in being part of a group and be controlled by the needs or wishes of the group
To trick or fool peopleTo be sacrificed by a group (Sharon Tate)
To resonate with the public, to have the public resonate with youPeople identify with the native, see themselves in the native
A certain fragileness that comes from being open to so much, may result in an overload that the person is not able to handle well

225088 (2007 OR10) (astrologicaldepth.com)

225088 Gonggong - Wikipedia

Gonggong - Wikipedia

19h44m49s   Ixion                Set

19h45m03s   Mars                 Set

19h48m27s   Jupiter              Anti-Culminate

Mars-Ixion conjunct paran/Mars' Oblique Descendant conjunct Ixion's Oblique Descendant - 14 seconds of Sidereal Time

Mars-Jupiter square paran/Mars' Oblique Descendant square Jupiter's Right Ascension - 3 minutes, 24 seconds of Sidereal Time

Jupiter-Ixion square paran/Jupiter's Right Ascension square Ixion's Oblique Descendant - 3 minutes, 38 seconds of Sidereal Time

Mars-Ixion conjunction paran square Jupiter/Mars-Ixion Oblique Descendant conjunction in square to Jupiter's Right Ascension

merging of action and repeated cycles as well as evolutionary intensification in friction with expansion

<===  IXION: Repeating Cycles  ===>
Ixion ( 2001 KX76 / 28978 ) seems to have a sphere of operation about 2 degrees out from it and everything within that circle seems to be of equal strength. I have put a couple of significant people in who are just beyond a degree with an asterisk on them. The Ixion area circles and cycles and recycles through time and space in all the forms of cycling and recycling that you can imagine.
Cycles, Rhythms, Intervals especially repetitive intervals (Astrology, Chain Department Stores)
Nuclear Power
To repeat a pattern, ability to come back over and over (as old mythology, translations of Greek writers, etc.)Recycling, Renewable Energy
To lose power and then regain it perhaps over and overEncompassing many different small patterns within the whole, variability Interface
A hunter who seeks to acquire thingsResilience, ability to keep going through disaster
Affirming the positive characteristics of life even in the midst of omnipresent fears of deathRecurring motives
Shift from individuality to socialitySocial Justice
Sorting False from True, Dream from RealityBreaking free of the pattern of recurring events created from within us
NostalgiaTo simulate life and movement, to give the appearance of life and movement, a simulacrum
To be unable to get to your goalUnconventional
Evading responsibilityTolerance vs. no standards or principles

Ixion ( 2001 KX76 / 28978 ) (astrologicaldepth.com)

28978 Ixion - Wikipedia

Ixion - Wikipedia

Fixed Stars

Only alignments in Right Ascension which is what astronomers actually use to locate and track celestial objects

orb - 4 minutes of Sidereal Time 

angles - 8 minutes of Sidereal Time

page 3 from Fixed Stars and Judicial Astrology by George Noonan

The natures of the stars were assigned by the classicists on the basis of their color: red to Mars and Saturn, white to Venus, blue to Jupiter and the Moon, and yellow to Mercury and to the Sun. It is not surprising, therefore to find a strong correlation of the ancient natures of the fixed stars with their modern stellar spectra. In this regard the stars can be classified according to their spectra in a very natural way from the most benefic to the most malefic.

Class O stars are those whose spectra is very strong in the ultraviolet lines of nitrogen and live-giving oxygen. Stars in this class would have the nature of the most benefic planet of all-the Moon. Class B stars are strong in helium, but also with nitrogen and oxygen. They are astrologically as Jupiter. Class A stars are those which the element hydrogen is prominent. They are as Venus. Mercury is neutral as to a benefic or malefic nature, and stars with a spectral class F can also be classified as neutral in that this class contains minor metals such as calcium and is a bridge to the more metallic stars. So stars in spectral class F are as Mercury. Our Sun is a spectral class G star. Surprisingly (or is it so?), in the natural order in which we have been listing the stars, their spectra, and their astrological natures, stars in spectral class G are astrologically as the Sun! Metallic lines, especially iron, dominate the spectra of Class K stars. Class K stars are therefore of the nature of Mars. Finally, those stars in spectral class M, with its lines of harsh metals such as titanium oxide, have the astrological nature of the highly malefic Saturn. To summarize:

Stellar Spectra                                   Planetary Nature

O                                                                  Moon

B                                                                   Jupiter

A                                                                  Venus

F                                                                  Mercury

G                                                                  Sun

K                                                                  Mars

M                                                                  Saturn

Planet-Star delineations from Star and Planet Combinations by Bernadette Brady

Moon - 2h01m33s 

aligned with Almach - 1h59m44s - 1 minute, 49 seconds of Sidereal Time

aligned with Alrisha - 1h59m06s - 2 minutes, 27 seconds of Sidereal Time

aligned with Hamal - 2h03m58s - 2 minutes, 25 seconds of Sidereal Time

Moon-Alrisha - A love of diversity amongst one's friends. To seek enjoyment of a wide variety of foods and of pleasures. Finding oneself acting as the bridge between different groups of friends.  A period when one encounters a diversity of people and ideas.

Moon-Hamal - To be a popular rogue. To challenge authority but in a way that is legal or appreciated by others.  The free-spirited person or sporting here wins the day.

Almach - gamma Andromedae, multiple star system, 2.27 magnitude, K3 spectrum(nature of Mars)

Gamma Andromedae - Wikipedia

Almach (constellationsofwords.com)

Alrisha - alpha Piscium, binary, 3.82 (4.44+5.23) magnitude, A0 spectrum(nature of Venus)/A2 spectrum(nature of Venus)

Alpha Piscium - Wikipedia

Alrisha (constellationsofwords.com)

Babylonian constellation  Kun-mes (Pisces)'The Tails'


Hamal - alpha Arietis, 2.00 magnitude, K1 spectrum(nature of Mars)

Hamal - Wikipedia

Hamal (constellationsofwords.com)

His Moon is in the Sidereal sign Lu-Hun-ga 

Babylonian constellation  Lu-Hun-ga (Aries) 'The Hired Man' 

regent was Tammuz/Dumuzi who was a shepherd god


Sun - 15h41m08s

aligned with Unukalhai - 15h41m25s - 17 Seconds of Sidereal time

Unukalhai - alpha Serpentis, double star, 2.623 magnitude, K2 spectrum(nature of Mars) 

Alpha Serpentis - Wikipedia  

Unukalhai (constellationsofwords.com)

Mercury - 15h16m51s 

aligned with Pherkad - 15h20m43s - 3 minutes, 52 seconds of Sidereal Time

aligned with Princeps - 15h13m10s - 3 minutes, 41 seconds of Sidereal Time

aligned with Zuben Eschemali - 15h13m54s  -  2 minutes, 57 seconds of Sidereal Time

Mercury-Zuben Elschemali - Imposing one's views on others. One's desire for good mixed with one's belief about what is correct for others.   Biased philosophies impact on the media or markets.

Pherkad - gamma Ursae Minoris, 3.05 magnitude, A2 spectrum(nature of Venus)

Gamma Ursae Minoris - Wikipedia  

Pherkad (constellationsofwords.com)

Princeps - delta Bootis,  double star, 3.48 magnitude, G8 spectrum(nature of the Sun)

Delta Boötis - Wikipedia

Princeps (constellationsofwords.com)

Bootes was the Babylonian constellation Su-pa that represented Enlil who was God of Wind, Air, Earth, and Storms.  He was a supreme Mesopotamian deity that was supplanted by national Babylonian god Marduk 

Zuben Elschamali - beta Librae , 2.61 magnitude, B8 spectrum(nature of Jupiter)

Beta Librae - Wikipedia

Zubenelshamali (constellationsofwords.com)

His Mercury is in the Sidereal sign Zi-ba-an-na which represented the sungod Shamash in his role as God of Truth and Justice

Mul Zi-ba-an-na (The Scales) - Libra


Mars - 14h40m58s

aligned with Izar - 14h42m27s  - 1 minute, 29 seconds of Sidereal Time

Izar - epsilon Bootis, binary star, 2.37 magnitude/5.12 magnitude, K0 spectrum(nature of Mars)/A2 spectrum(nature of Venus) 

Epsilon Boötis - Wikipedia  

Izar (constellationsofwords.com)

I recently rekindled my interest in Deep Space Astrology. 

I am actually a long time fan of Philip Sedgwick who specializes in Heliocentric Astrology, Deep Space Astrology, Centaurs, and Transneptunian Objects.  

Even though I no longer use the Tropical Zodiac nor Projected Ecliptic Longitude positions for stars and deep sky objects,  Philip Sedgwick will always be one of my favorite astrologers.

I got his Galactic Trilogy DVD back in 2007.

I reinstalled Philip Sedgwick's Solar Fire add-on Galastro that I bought over a decade ago

I recently got used books written by Philip Sedgwick , The Astrology of Transcendence and The Astrology of Deep Space.

I am back to looking at deep sky alignments , but I am only looking at those in Right Ascension which is the coordinate that astronomers use to locate and track celestial objects.  

I am using the same approach as I do with the star alignments. 

Philip Sedgwick uses both Ecliptic Longitude and Right Ascension with deep sky objects. 

Within an orb of 1 minute of Sidereal Time (equivalent to 15 minutes of arc), I have three pulsars aligned with my Imum Coeli. 

One of my residential street addresses was Pulsar Circle, and there was a street next to it that was Quasar Circle.  It was in a neighborhood complex comprised of duplexes. I lived there when I was 13 to 16 years old.

black holes, Great Attractor, Galactic Center, Super Galactic Center, Soft Gamma Ray Repeaters (SGRs)

orb: 4 minutes of Sidereal Time

8 minutes of Sidereal Time for angles

other deep space objects like pulsar, quasar, x-rays, galaxies, nebulas, neutron stars, white dwarfs, nova remnants, supernova remnants

orb: 1 minute of Sidereal Time (equivalent to 15 minutes of arc)

2 minutes of Sidereal Time for angles

I will use the same orbs as stars if they have names/nicknames or have characteristics that stand out 

examples: a quasar nicknamed Cloverleaf Quasar, a galaxy nicknamed Atoms For Peace Galaxy, a planetary nebula nicknamed Southern Crab Nebula, SN 1006 (supernova remnant) the brightest observed stellar event in recorded history

deep sky objects and their coordinates are from Philip Sedgwick's Solar Fire add-on Galastro

Midheaven - 11h22m55s

Vx GU Mus - 11h23m55s - black hole - 1 minute of Sidereal Time

3U 1956+35 -  Rise at 8:27 am - black hole

 rise 3 minutes before his birth

Moon - 2h01m33s

PSR 0203-40 p - 2h01m36 - pulsar - 3 seconds of Sidereal Time

3C 66.0 - 2h01m38s - quasar - 5 seconds of Sidereal Time

DW 0202+31 - 2h01m46s - quasar - 10 seconds of Sidereal time

PKS 0202+31 - 2h02m - quasar - 

NGC 821 - 2h05m21s - black hole - 3 minutes, 48 seconds of Sidereal Time

Sun - 15h41m08s

J1546-5302 p - 15h41m45s - pulsar - 37 seconds of Sidereal Time

Vx IL Lup - 15h43m01s - black hole - 1 minute, 53 seconds of Sidereal Time

Mercury - 15h16m51s

J1522-5525 p - 15h17m44s - pulsar - 54 seconds of Sidereal Time


Venus - 15h45m38s

J1550-5242 p - 15h45m41s - pulsar - 3 minutes of Sidereal Time

PSR 1550-5242 p - 15h46m12s - pulsar - 34 seconds of Sidereal Time

3C 323.1 - 15h45m11s - quasar - 27 seconds of Sidereal Time 

Vx IL Lup - 15h43m01s - black hole - 2 minutes, 37 seconds of Sidereal Time

XTE J1550-564 - 15h45m26s - black hole - 12 seconds of Sidereal Time

Mars - 14h40m58s

J1444-5941 p - 14h40m23s - pulsar - 35 seconds of Sidereal Time

3C 03 - 14h41m08s - quasar - 10 seconds of Sidereal Time

The following is from The Soul of the Sky by Philip Sedgwick:

                                                                               Galactic Energy Guide

The Nature of Energy The entire spectrum of electromagnetic energy, including light, our friend in the visible spectrum, adds importance within the framework of galactic astrology. The following qualities exist within the emanations of the points in space. 

Red Shift: This quality contains light that appears to be receding from us. It knows the Doppler of “away.” The energy naturally retreats or pulls back, psychologically and spiritually. Works within the subconscious mind. 

Planetary quality: Neptune, especially in response to Venus and Saturn concerns. 

Blue Shift: The energy of “approach” and “advance” derived from light that appears to be coming toward us. This energy works through a crowding, invading manner or an offering, benevolent approach. Operates in some conscious mind capacities, but more in unconscious realms of the brain. 

Planetary quality: Mars, Jupiter

Gravity: Heavy or weighted in influence. Feels like something to shoulder. A burden that lightens with acceptance. Desire to gain a central position or be a "heavy weight" in life. Dwells upon the "gravity" of a situation. Conscious mind in orientation. 

Planetary Quality: Saturn, Earth

Infrared (IFR): Stimulates the subconscious mind and energizes the Root Chakra both in the interest of letting go of mental and emotional blockages. It then opens the way to receive Divine Messages of ingenuity and inventive creativity. 

Planetary Quality: Mercury, Uranus, Mars, Pluto

Ultraviolet (UV): Affects the preconscious (unassuming, innocent, childlike enthusiasm) mind. The Crown Chakra lights up under this influence and induces overall receptivity to galactic stimulation. 

Planetary Quality: Neptune, Mercury, Uranus

Radio Waves: Drives conscious attention to repeated information. Requires an effort to "tune in." An individual using radio will relentlessly communicate what they receive, often “parroting.” They can be skilled at the art of expression, yet on the down side, can relay information without understanding or integration. Unconscious. 

Planetary Quality: Mercury, Sun, Jupiter, Neptune

X-Rays: Penetrating and intense, one of the two most powerful energies. Allows for objective viewing of the inner structure without judgment. Intends to look at another at the soul level without distracting from the ego or personality. 

Planetary Quality: Mercury, Uranus, Neptune, Pluto, Rhadamanthus, Chaos

Neutrons (Neutrinos): The second of the strongest energies. Neutrons pervade all matter without impedance. Induce internal transformation and healing at a causal level. Regenerative in nature, uplifting and transforming in consciousness.

 Planetary Quality: Chiron, Pluto, Varuna 

Gamma Rays: Promote transmutation, changes occurring with the benefit of external stimulation and catalysts. 

Planetary Quality: Saturn, Chiron, Uranus, Quaoar, Ixion.

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Divergent Astrology (21st Century Multidimensional Astrology) - The Way I Do Astrology

 The Way I do Astrology I have been studying Astrology since end of June of 1998.  My interest in Astrology as a psychological tool was insp...