Friday, February 11, 2022

Heliocentric Transneptunian Dwarf Planet/Candidate Nodes in Sidereal and Tropical Zodiacs


Dane Rudyhar, Carl Payne Tobey, Grant Lewi, Diana Rosenberg, and Robert Blashke used the heliocentric planetary nodes, and they believed that they work  So does the fixed star astrologer, Diana Rosenberg.  Robert Hand considers them too and even brought up his own Sun conjunct South Uranus Node in book.   Dane Rudhyar referred to the use of Heliocentric Planetary Nodes in Astrology as Orbital Astrology.

Carl Payne Tobey wrote:

"As computed today, the planetary nodes are considered as heliocentric, those points where the above described line crosses the earth's orbit. However, if we use these points as if they were geocentric, they appear to work. This is easy to understand if we consider that we are dealing with mathematical lines instead of mathematical points. Now, we can draw a new set of lines with the earth as the center to those points where the line above described reaches infinity and their direction must be exactly the same as the direction from the Sun. Such a conception justifies us in using the planetary nodes in our zodiac just as they are given in heliocentric longitude. 

It becomes vital to know the zodiacal position of the planetary nodes. The position of the north lunar node is given in the ephemeris. The south lunar node will be at the opposite zodiacal point. The Sun is not involved in this calculation, because the Moon goes around the earth. The point where the two orbits cross is itself in motion, and it circumvents the entire circle of the zodiac in 19 years.

The planetary nodes have a similar motion, but it is too slow to be significant within a lifetime. The nodes of Mercury circle the zodiac once in something over 171,000 years, while the nodes of Uranus make the trip in about 40,000 years. Oddly, the nodes of some of the outer planets appear to move more rapidly than those of the inner planets. In any event, however, no planetary node moves a degree within 100 years, so you can use the present nodal positions as close enough for any living being.

 To have a body conjunct or square the node of a planet appears to be more important than to have it conjunct the planet itself."

Heliocentric Planetary Nodes - Powerful Planetary Degrees in a Natal Chart!               By David Railey

A book on Planetary and Lunar Nodes that you can check out from this internet archive library

The planetary and lunar nodes

by Rudhyar, Dane, 1895-1985

Publication date 1971

Topics Astrology

Publisher Lakemont, Ga. : CSA Press

Collection in  library; printdisabled; internetarchivebooks

Digitizing sponsor Kahle/Austin Foundation

Contributor Internet Archive

Language English

Heliocentric Nodes calculated for February 11, 2022

According to Philip Sedgwick: Transneptunian dwarf planet/candidates are considered evolutionary intensified objects.

Evolutionary Intensified Objects. Evolutionary suggests that emotional and spiritual crisis induced by the presence and passage of these bodies intends to enhance the insight, inspiration, creativity and consciousness of a person on Earth and through events on Earth containing these bodies in significant locations.



This is my take


I believe that the energy of the transneptunian dwarf planet/candidates involve lessons,experiences that can really make or break you. The hard aspects tend to indicate the possibility of experiencing some type of trauma which may be trying to the spirit but can eventually help you to grow spiritually. What doesn't kill you can make you stronger is something that can be applied to the transneptunian dwarf planet/candidates.

They are highly metaphysical energies that involve insight,inspiration,and creativity that should be used not just for your benefit but for the benefit of many others. These energies are about about going well beyond self and tapping into that mass consciousness. There is a potential to really make a mark on the world and affect people on a grand scale.

Pluto Nodes

24'49 Gemini/Sagittarius in Sidereal/19'52 Cancer/Capricorn in Tropical

Pluto Keywords:



Collective shadow

Collective unconscious


Cycle of life

Dark drives










Evolve or Die




Hidden gifts

Higher octave of Mars

Inner resources




Letting go of the old


Misuse of power



Potent force



Radical change






Repressed feelings





Survival instinct





Unconscious mind




Eris Nodes

11'17 Aries/Libra - Sidereal

6'20 Taurus/Scorpio - Tropical

<===  ERIS: Unexpected, Unsettling Awareness  ===>
Eris ( 2003 UB313 / 136199 ) Each of us has a normal process of thinking, a standard view of the world and of our place in it, a set of attitudes that describes who we want to believe we are. Eris is beyond that. She sees the whole and recognizes the pretensions and incorrect beliefs within the conscious operating processes. Because of this she is rejected. She is not allowed into normal operating processes. Thus she acts within each of us from way out in left field, piercing the consciousness and revealing its pretensions and misperceptions of reality. Her action is so uncomfortable that as long as the ego is in charge, she will be rejected and denied over and over again. Eris' aspects shows your blindspots, what it is hard for you to see, what she opposes, what she conflicts with, where she forces adjustments. The trine and sextile show where and in what way her awareness is easier to accept. The contraquindecile (165) shows the core nature of her awareness experienced as an outside force.
Piercing awareness that reveals and challenges the ego’s illusionsTo be an exile
To be left out or overlooked or not given credit you deserveUnfinished Projects
Metamorphosis, the recognition and communication of the essentialMaking the invisible visible
The importance of truth and of dealing with what is realTo (seek to) right wrongs and restablish the proper order of life (based on your values and beliefs)
A truly unique perspective – a different way of looking at people that sees beyond the surfaceDivisive
Perceiving and expressing the unfathomable dimensions of human emotions, the joys and tragedies of human existenceNemesis of arrogance, pretense and self-righteousness
Independence brings difficulty in relationshipsStrength and independence of women
Positive manifestation to be without ego (i.e. without pretense), genuineMay relate to AIDS

Haumea Nodes

7'22 Cancer/Capricorn - Sidereal

2'25 Leo/Aquarius - Tropical

<===  HAUMEA:  Creative and Spiritual Birth ===>

Haumea ( 2003 EL61 / 136108 ) is a focus point through which we connect with the Mother Focus in the Divine energy, the point where spiritual birth or rebirth can be accessed and experienced. Haumea brings a greater spiritual awareness and attunement. She opens doors within us.

When mixed with other strong energies, Haumea seems to become a reformer of those energies or perhaps to be giving birth to those energies in a new form. Aspects with other planets represent issues in the birth process and forces that facilitate or hinder that process. (I mostly worked with people from the 1800s because Haumea had such strong planets conjunction it for most of the 20th Century that it was very difficult to sort out it's meaning.)

Searching for spiritual answers, greater spiritual understandingSeeking to understand the spirit within/underlying human beings
Willing to change religion if the path leads that wayCelebration of the divine, the creator
Extraordinary versatilityEarnest, vivid and alive with spirit
Insight and quickness, innovationNurturer and supporter of genius
A sense of the ideal, and worshipping nature as revealing the divine
Fantasy & Mythology as a vehicleClassical and metaphysical studies
A dislike of irony and skepticismA sense of the unseen, a type of knowing
Mystical AwarenessThe Divine Mother
PantheismAll religions lead to the same realization of the divine.

Makemake Nodes

24'43 Taurus/Scorpio - Sidereal

19'46 Gemini/Sagittarius - Tropical

<===  MAKEMAKE : Intense Pursuit ===>
Makemake ( 2005 FY9 / 136472 ) is a fulcrum point where there is great ability to analyze critical change elements and implement them
It ties into the pursuit of a goal in very creative ways with potential for depression and introverted seclusion afterward either from failure or from a sense of already having made it and being “over the hill” or where do I go from here. This energy can start early and flare into brilliance then burnout.
Creativity, but not as spiritual as HaumeaBeing a victim of others behavior
A lot more introverted going into seclusion or depression, withdrawing from and/or rejecting the world
Quick perception and recognition of opportunity and ability to act quickly and decisively
Redefining reality through new perspectivesRadiating impact and encounter
Reaching out into the unknown, exploring discovering something new
A type of audacity, a strength, power and definitiveness radiating from the person and impacting others

Gonggong Nodes

12'07 Aquarius/Leo - Sidereal

7'09 Pisces/Virgo - Tropical

<===  225088 (2007 OR10): Group Resonance  ===>
225088 brings a sense of the group soul of humanity, or of the portion of humanity that one is connected with, whether that be a nation, a race or some other cohesive group with a particular viewpoint. There seems to be a very strong band between 1 & 2 degrees where the group resonance is understood and responded to with a little more distance than you see in the incarnates who are embedded in the Group Resonance.
KEY CONCEPTS - 225088 (2007 OR10)
To relate to, focus on large groups of people as a whole or a unit or entity of its own, rather than onindividual humans
To impact the lives of and awareness of humanityHuman Relations
To communicate with the public through a resonance with where they areTo express the feelings of groups of people, even if unpopular
To control/repress a large group of peopleTo represent “the people”, to speak for the people
To absorb the group pattern from your childhood and be strongly influenced by itTo have your identity in being part of a group and be controlled by the needs or wishes of the group
To trick or fool peopleTo be sacrificed by a group (Sharon Tate)
To resonate with the public, to have the public resonate with youPeople identify with the native, see themselves in the native
A certain fragileness that comes from being open to so much, may result in an overload that the person is not able to handle well

Quaoar Nodes

14'19 Virgo - Sidereal

9'22 Libra - Tropical

<===  QUAOAR: Primitive, Fundamental  ===>

Quaoar ( 2002 LM60 / 50000 ) is about the primitive levels of connection between an individual and what is around them. This is partially about fundamental internal needs and how they are expressed or fail to be expressed in the outside world and the residual angst that this generates in that person. It is about inclusion or exclusion in all forms. Are you inside the circle or out in the cold. The circle could be a social circle or a racial group or it could be the realm of nature itself. There is a very primitive concrete form of expression that results from that sence of connection or alienation. The individual may be anywhere on that continuum from a desperate need to belong to a need to be separate and free from those connections and the resulting expectations. Thus we have here the interface between opposites and the creative process where they change from one to the other.

Interior and exterior spaceRelationship between inner and outer
Unravel, deciphering, revealing natural patternsRevealing the inner workings
Instinctively understanding and identifying the fundamental elements of something
Primitive connections to self & world, folk traditionsEnding of the old & beginning of the new
PrejudiceSeeking to maintain the privileges of those on the inside
Making DealsGetting inside information
Dealing with what is in and what is outJudgmentalism
Here and nowThe vitality of immediate experience
Naturalism born of formalismWhether you let people inside your walls
Impact of being in second place, sense of personal inferiorityTo define what it means to be on the inside and how to get there and seek to bring people over the line
Getting inside the circle of acceptancePersistence, succeeding against great odds
Gaining self respect by entering the selected circleNature as source or mother, teacher
Nature as being an entry way into the inner circle, or the inner circle being natureConnecting to primitive center of self, child based expressions, animals as icon, doorway to inner sanctum
Protecting the endangered (animals, architecture, etc.)Back to Basics, Primitive (fundamental) creativity

Sedna Nodes

29'27 Cancer/Capricorn - Sidereal

24'40 Leo/Aquarius - Tropical

<===  SEDNA: Unconscious Depths, Otherworldly  ===>
Sedna ( 2003 VB12 / 90377 ) is about the deepest levels of our personal psyche and how they operate. When these levels are transformed then extremely intense mystical spiritual connections can be established. There is a deep connection here with other realms. However, when these levels are not faced and transformed they can be horrendous.
Much Sedna energy (especially for men) wallows in the depths of depravity of which the human psyche is capable. One path to transcend the quicksand of Sedna is through humor and comedy which gives you the objectivity to step back from the edge.
KEY CONCEPTS - Sedna ( 2003 VB12 / 90377 )
Gifts that turn sinisterSpiritualist Medium – hearing voices in your head
Pleasure/Pain principle and how it affects animal and human behavior
To deal with that which is not of this worldTo deal with Spirits of the dead
Getting sucked into another worldLiving in the darkness within
Dealing with the bad guys acting out the demons withinTragedy
Crime and dealing with crimeNeed for a refuge -- Being or becoming a recluse
Victims Women and Men who have men abuse and betray them
May deal with issues or life with alcohol, potential alcoholism
Being able to rise above the worst situations and find humor in them and celebrate life this can bring an amazingly beautiful and bright light
Stepping back out of situations to see how ridiculous we are with all our issues and distresses
Emotional truth
Authenticity is achieved by drawing on inner reality to expose deep emotional experience.

Orcus Nodes

3'55 Sagittarius/Gemini

28'58 Sagittarius/Gemini

<===   ORCUS: Death as a force in life===>

Orcus ( 2004 DW / 90482 ) deals with death as a factor in life and how it impacts us and what death teaches us about life as well as what life teaches us about death. It does not necessarily represent death as an experience, although significant personal aspects result in death playing a larger than life role in that person's life. There is also an affinity with Orpheus, even to the extent that an artist and critic who was an Orcus Incarnate, deliberately chose a new last name that was an anagram of Orpheus.

Images and Symbols of Death seem to affect the points aspected by Orcus.

Death as a teacherThe Song of Death
To play with deathSpell-binding quality
IsolationDealing with Death, Murder, Suicide
Some kind of relationship to deathTo have or deal with Stigmata
To die for one’s beliefs/principlesTo oppose death or death dealing groups
Study of historySacrifice
To deal with the dead (channeling, messages from the dead) – Chico Xavier
To have your work, actions beliefs stir up great opposition
Anti-establishmentTaking dangerous risks, “daring” death
Parkinson’s DiseaseTough, stubborn
Possible relationship to asthma & emphysemaNear Death Experiences
Rebirth, awakening in Humanities Awareness of old traditional patterns and their importance
Paradox i.e. life in death and death in life

Salacia Nodes

15'15 Sagittarius/Gemini - Sidereal

10'17 Capricorn/Cancer - Tropical

<===  SALACIA: Sensitivity, Gentleness, Appeal, Love of Life ===>

Salacia ( 2004 SB60 / 120347 ) carries a sense of sensitivity, appreciation, gentleness and genuine love of life and humanity. She is shy and beautiful. Her sensitivity can open her to psychic perceptions. She makes us better than we would be otherwise. Her appeal is universal. She helps us handle deeply difficult and troubling matters more easily. She has an easy sense of humor and wit and a real gift for comedy that helps us get through difficult times. One of her problems is that she can turn to alcohol to handle the overload of life as it assaults her.

Her aspects to other planets softens them making them easier to handle.

KEY CONCEPTS - Salacia ( 2004 SB60 / 120347 )
SensitiveRemoving barriers to happiness
Love, including Romantic LoveLove of words
Soft Heart, mild-manneredWorthiness vs Unworthiness
PrideSingular poetic beauty
CreativePeaceful change, creative revolution
Truths stated in an inoffensive way using humorIncisive humor, comedy, wit
Love of lifeRomantic
A source of warmthEnthusiasm
Emotional powerInterface with the supernatural, Parapsychology
Stream of consciousness, emotionally charged writingPoetic feeling
PassionateHumanity, Humanitarian
Achieving your greatest potentialIdealism
Capacity to bring something new into the worldGentle
Feminine StrengthUse of non-violence
Distinct spiritual sheen, A religious awakeningGracious/sociable
Drinking issues or addressing AlcoholismInability to feel pleasure
Popular even when confrontiveOverly Sentimenta

2002 MS4 Nodes

11'26 Libra/Aries - Sidereal

6'29 Scorpio/Taurus

On his webpage, Amable related this body to "closed circuits of feedback, were every action returns reinforced in each cycle of interaction, like the trade between Native Americans and European colonists, the Cold War between United States and Soviet Union, or between United States and Middle East in present times. Every action has strong consequences on the long run, and that is why is so important to act correctly from the very beginning." Amabale also sees it as the search for a 'spiritual security' that comes from "a deep understanding of the spiritual laws of the universe, were every action has strong consequences on the long run."

I have found it ties into a strong need to be on the 'right path', and a willingness to make a major life change if one feels one has been travelling on the wrong one. For example, I have seen individuals, when this body in transit crosses their Saturn, become involved in a deeply religious path, sometimes a full religious conversion. Which ties in with the search for 'spiritual security'.

Varda Nodes

9'32 Virgo/Pisces - Sidereal

4'34 Libra/Aries - Tropical

It was named for Varda, an elf goddess from J.R.R. Tolkein's mythology. According to the Tolkien Gateway, "Varda Elentari, known in Sindarin as Elbereth Gilthoniel, was a Valie , the wife of Manwe (the name given another outer body) and Queen of the Valar. Elves love and revere her most of all the Valar, and they call upon her in their hours of deepest darkness." "Varda is said to be too beautiful for words." Her name means "sublime" or "lofty". "Varda created the stars with the dews from the vats of Telperion, the first of the Two Trees."

The main theme of (174567) 2003 MW12 [Varda] is privacy, and everything related, like encryption or passwords. An example is the comedy movie "Little Secret" (2002), also the terror movie "Más de mil cámaras velan por tu seguridad (More Than a Thousand Cameras Are Working For Your Safety)" (2003). 

174567) Varda, emotions that go with consciousness when the additional channels of communication and interaction are discovered

(174567) Varda is related with changes in the state of privacy, like in the movie "Friday the 13th" (1980), when one of the girls in the group thinks she saw someone in the forest, on the other side of the lake, watching them.

In fact, this principle can become generalized into situations in which there are multiple channels of communication and interaction. In general, (174567) Varda is related to emotions that go with consciousness when the additional channels of communication and interaction are discovered, like in the movie "The Bourne Supremacy" (2004), when Pamela Landy receives a call from Jason Bourne and she realizes that he is also watching her from a nearby building through binoculars while the telephone call is taking place.

Ixion Nodes

16'17 Taurus/Scorpio - Sidereal

11'20 Gemini/Sagittarius - Tropical

<===  IXION: Repeating Cycles  ===>
Ixion ( 2001 KX76 / 28978 ) seems to have a sphere of operation about 2 degrees out from it and everything within that circle seems to be of equal strength. I have put a couple of significant people in who are just beyond a degree with an asterisk on them. The Ixion area circles and cycles and recycles through time and space in all the forms of cycling and recycling that you can imagine.
Cycles, Rhythms, Intervals especially repetitive intervals (Astrology, Chain Department Stores)
Nuclear Power
To repeat a pattern, ability to come back over and over (as old mythology, translations of Greek writers, etc.)Recycling, Renewable Energy
To lose power and then regain it perhaps over and overEncompassing many different small patterns within the whole, variability Interface
A hunter who seeks to acquire thingsResilience, ability to keep going through disaster
Affirming the positive characteristics of life even in the midst of omnipresent fears of deathRecurring motives
Shift from individuality to socialitySocial Justice
Sorting False from True, Dream from RealityBreaking free of the pattern of recurring events created from within us
NostalgiaTo simulate life and movement, to give the appearance of life and movement, a simulacrum
To be unable to get to your goalUnconventional
Evading responsibilityTolerance vs. no standards or principles

Varuna Nodes

12'34 Gemini/Sagittarius - Sidereal

7'37 Cancer/Capricorn - Tropical

<===   VARUNA: Legacy ===>
Varuna ( 2000 WR106 / 20000 ) has a larger than life quality. It carries an impact that lasts well beyond the life of the person. In a sense it is about what the personal legacy is. This is where you focus on doing your own thing and holding your place in time and space, no matter what impact it may have on others.
KEY CONCEPTS - Varuna ( 2000 WR106 / 20000 )
Doing your own thing in a big waySpiritual expansion
ImmortalityForthright, dogmatic and often highly opinionated views
A sense of PresencePersonal integrity
Stands up to, challenges authorityMaking things happen
Bigger than lifeProminent
Is true to self and expresses what you are without reservation regardless of what others think of it

In my own astrological nativity:

Sun in 10'59 Libra in Sidereal/5'20 Scorpio in Tropical

Black Moon in 11'21 Libra/Eris in Sidereal/5'42 Scorpio R in Tropical

Ixion in 11'03 Libra in Sidereal/5'24 Scorpio in Tropical

2002 MS4 Nodes in 11'18 Libra/Aries in Sidereal/5'38 Scorpio/Taurus in Tropical

Eris Nodes in 11'09 Aries/Libra in Sidereal/5'29 Scorpio/Taurus in Tropical

Midheaven/Imum Coeli in 16'52 Taurus/Scorpio in Sidereal/11'14 Gemini/Sagittarius in Tropical

Ixion Nodes in  16'23 Taurus/Scorpio in Sidereal/10'44 Gemini/Sagittarius in Tropical

Lunar Nodes in 16'08 Capricorn/Cancer in Sidereal/10'29 Aquarius/Leo in Tropical

Heliocentric Nodes were calculated at this site.

1 comment:

  1. It's hard to imagine incorporating this stuff into an interpretation without sounding like some species of space cadet. There's plenty to take into account in astrology without going beyond the esoteric into what must be considered something between rank speculation and the absurd. Furthermore, individual stars as immense nuclear furnaces, very many of which are bigger than our sun, and therefore more powerful, have to be considered radically more important than every last rock and pebble in this solar system, which not only cannot clear out their orbits but don't even have enough mass to become spherical. Since astrology may be entirely symbolic and not causal, size may not matter; still, I don't see the potential symbolism of small dead rocks in the same league with huge suns alive with energy that transcends time and space. Moreover, the relentless drive away from the planets and the stars toward minutiae confuses the substantial for the frivolous.


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