I did a previous a post about the Golden Aspects. I pointed out that The Golden Mean Aspect is a 144th Harmonic Aspect.
I checked out Harmonics of the Golden Mean Aspect with the use of the Harmonic Grid in David Cochrane's Sirius astrology program.
I checked out the Harmonic Charts with the use of Solar Fire astrology program.
My findings
based off
my birthdate and birthplace
October 29, 1971
in San Francisco, CA
Moon 137°30 Uranus at 2:40 AM
exact - 55/144 (The Golden Mean), 76/199, 131/343
144th Harmonic - 0°52' applying conjunction
199th Harmonic - 1°17' separating conjunction
131st Harmonic - 11°41' separating conjunction
0°01' - 89/233, 97/254, 118/309, 123/322
233rd Harmonic - 3°55' applying conjunction
254th Harmonic - 3°26' separating conjunction
309th Harmonic -3°55' separating conjunction
322nd Harmonic - 6°57' applying conjunction
0°02'- 21/55, 34/89
55th Harmonic -2°09' separating conjunction
89th Harmonic - 3°02' applying conjunction
0°03' - 81/212
212th Harmonic - 11°17' applying conjunction
0°04' - 47/123
212th Harmonic - 11°17' applying conjunction
0°08' - 29/76
76th Harmonic - 9°32' separating conjunction
0°09' - 13/34
34th Harmonic - 5°12' applying conjunction
0°21' - 8/21
21st Harmonic - 7°22' applying conjunction
My Moon 137°53' Uranus at 3:20 AM (my birthtime)
exact - 131/342
342nd Harmonic - 2°40' applying conjunction
0°01' - 18/47, 77/201, 95/248
47th Harmonic - 0°41' separating conjunction
201st Harmonic - 4°44' applying conjunction
248th Harmonic - 4°03' applying conjunction
0°02' - 59/154, 136/355
154th Harmonic - 5°25' applying conjunction
355th Harmonic - 10°09' applying conjunction
0°03'- 41/107, 100/261, 103/269
107th Harmonic - 6°06' applying conjunction
261st Harmonic - 11°'31' applying conjunction
0°04' - 49/128, 67/175
128th Harmonic - 9°31' separating conjunction
175th Harmonic - 10°12' separating conjunction
0°07' - 23/60, 31/81
60th Harmonic - 6°47' applying conjunction
81st Harmonic - 8°50 separating conjunction
0°14'- 13/34
34th Harmonic - 8'09' separating conjunction
0°34'- 5/13
13th Harmonic- 7°28' applying conjunction
130°30 (The Golden Mean) is the 55/144 aspect which is 0°52 applying conjunction in 144th Harmonic, and that is the conjunction with the narrowest orb. 144 is the angle of the biquintile which is 2/5. The biquintile is a 5th harmonic aspect.
My Moon 130°53 Uranus is not in a 55/144 aspect, and so it's not a Golden Mean Aspect.
The only aspect that both 130°30' and 130°53' are is 13/34 aspect
130°30 is a conjunction with an orb of 5°12' applying in 34th Harmonic
130°53 is conjunction with an orb of 8°09' separating in 34th Harmonic
The closest aspect to 130°53' is 131/342 which is 2°40 applying conjunction in 342nd Harmonic.
The aspect with the narrowest orb conjunction for the 130°53' in the particular harmonic is the 18/47 Aspect which is 0°41 separating conjunction in the 47th Harmonic.
130°53 is also a 5/13 aspect which is of a much lower harmonic than all the other aspects listed. The 13th Harmonic was discussed in John Addey's Harmonic Astrology book.
2:31 AM - 137°24 is 13°36' applying conjunction in 144th Harmonic
2:40 AM - 137°30 (The Golden Mean) 0°52' applying conjunction in 144th Harmonic
2:49 AM - 137°34 (4 minutes separating) 11°50' separating conjunction in 144th Harmonic
The higher the harmonic, the narrower the orb.
Harmonic Astrologers use orbs by proportion.
In the case of the 144th Harmonic
1/144 = 0.0069444444444444 which can be rounded off to 0.01
Using 12°00' as a conjunction
12 x .01 = 0.12 which is 0°07'12''
I'd use an orb of 0°07 for the Golden Mean Aspect.
Actor, Comedian Steve Martin is one of the people that I found that has Moon Golden Mean Uranus with the recommended orb.
He has it with an applying orb of 0°05.
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