Thursday, February 24, 2022

The Use of Right Ascension in Astrology


Many astrologers ignore Right Ascension. Many astrologers that use Declination ignore Right Ascension like the Magi Astrologers who are big on Declination for instance.  Most astrologers that look at star parans and most astrologers that look at ecliptic star conjunctions ignore Right Ascension. 

I don't know why.  After all, astronomers use the Right Ascension and Declination to locate and track celestial objects. They're the Equatorial Longitudinal and Latitudinal coordinates.  Conjunctions and oppositions don't just occur in Ecliptic Longitude. They also occur in Right Ascension, and they are observed by astronomers.

right ascension: angular distance on the celestial sphere measured eastward along the celestial equator from the equinox to the hour circle passing through the celestial object. Right ascension is usually given in combination with declination.

declination: angular distance on the celestial sphere north or south of the celestial equator. It is measured along the hour circle passing through the celestial object. Declination is usually given in combination with right ascension or hour angle.

conjunction: the phenomenon in which two bodies have the same apparent ecliptic longitude or right ascension as viewed from a third body. Conjunctions are usually tabulated as geocentric phenomena. For Mercury and Venus, geocentric inferior conjunctions occur when the planet is between the Earth and Sun, and superior conjunctions occur when the Sun is between the planet and Earth. 

opposition: the phenomenon whereby two bodies have apparent ecliptic longitudes or right ascensions that differ by 180° as viewed by a third body. Oppositions are usually tabulated as geocentric phenomena.


Right Ascension versus Declination

It's not just astronomers that look at Right Ascension.

L. Edwards Johndro looked at star conjunctions in Right Ascension, and that's evident in his 1929 book, The Stars: How And Where They Influence. He referred to them as mundo conjunctions.  He also looked at star conjunctions in Ecliptic.

George C. Noonan went over Right Ascension star conjunctions in his 1990 book, Fixed Stars & Judicial Astrology. He also worked with rising, culminating, and setting star conjunction parans.  He didn't go over star conjunctions in Ecliptic Longitude.

Kenneth Bowser looks at Right Ascension conjunctions/oppositions and parans and refers to them as mundane aspects or aspects in mundo.  He also doesn't consider them with just stars. He considers Right Ascension conjunctions/oppositions and parans between planets. He discusses them in his books, Introduction to Western Sidereal Astrology and The Western Sidereal Astrology Interpretation Workbook. He's another astrologer that is not into star conjunctions in Eliptic Longitude.

He also discusses  in youtube video.

Robert Hand also works with Right Ascension and parans, and he discusses them in his 1982 book, Essays On Astrology. 

If I had gotten Robert Hand's book a lot earlier, I would've been working with Right Ascension and parans much earlier than 2009. His book Horoscope Symbols has influenced me in regards to using relatively small aspect orbs in Astrology back in 2003. I also found his working with precessed transits and very interesting.

I ultimately converted to the Sidereal Zodiac from the Tropical Zodiac after reading Gavin White's book Babylonian Star-lore over six years ago. Even before then I briefly converted to Sidereal Zodiac after reading Cyril Fagan's books in 2012.

Right Ascension conjunctions, oppositions are no less mundane aspects as the aspects in Prime Vertical Chart also known as the Mundoscope that are looked at by many Western Sidereal Astrologers who follow Cyril Fagan. 

"3-Dimensional Chart Calculator

Now you can finally see your astrology chart undistorted by flat 2-D displays. StarWise 3-D astrology lets you understand yourself and your life much better than all other methods. One flat chart falsely shows your true planet positions--just like flat maps do to our 3-D earth's true shape. Our 3-D astrology accurately shows the true 3-D layout of your planets in your chart (forecast, etc.) as they really are in our actual 3-D universe--not squashed into some misleading, incorrect shape.

The only way to see the true 3-D layout of your planets is to view your chart (...etc.) from two key perspectives (ecliptic + right ascension). As any scientist or engineer knows, this is the same correct way 3-D objects are always shown--using two or more views like top/front/side. The only better way would be a holographic display--yet to be invented.

You may have seen your chart (forecast...) from the standard single viewpoint--ecliptic. Now this new and exciting second viewpoint--right ascension--finally reveals all of who you really are. Both viewpoints are correct, just like front/top/side views of any 3-D object. The combined meaning of both views of your chart (forecast, etc.) reveals all of you, total reality versus just half the picture.

3- astrology looks at your life with both eyes open, not half-blind like the "one-eye closed" (ecliptic) approach currently in use everywhere else. 3-D astrology offers you the best insight and knowledge possible about yourself and life. You can use this new, more accurate information to make better decisions and thus grow more successful and happy."

Philip Sedgwick points out the inconsistency and mixing apples and oranges when it comes to the use of Declination with Ecliptic Longitude and that Declination should be used with Right Ascension:

"Another flaw in astrological thinking quickly emerges. Astrologers often use declination when defining the north/south range of an object relative to its longitudinal or zodiacal position. This is like mixing apples and oranges, since the reference planes are not the same.

Longitude, more commonly the degree of the zodiac - measured from the Vernal Equinox eastward relative to the ecliptic - goes hand in hand with latitude, which bears the same circle of reference. Latitude refers to north/south range in degrees from the ecliptic to the object as measured along the circle of celestial latitude through which it passes.

Right Ascension, the position of an object in either degrees or hours, measures from the Vernal Equinox in the easterly direction, referenced to the celestial equator. Declination defines the range of a body in degrees north or south from the celestial equator as measured along the hour circle through which it passes.

Using declination with longitude combines reference planes offset from one another by an average angle of 23 degrees and 27 minutes."

Philip Sedgwick is one of my favorite astrologers because he works with the transneptunian objects which I have been very interested since 2001. Zane Stein, Mark Andrew Holmes, and Jonathan Dunn have strongly influenced me in the early 2000s before Philip Sedgwick did. I got Philip Sedgwick's got his Galactic Trilogy DVD (Sun At The Center, Soul of The Sky, Astronomy For Astrologers) back in 2007. I got his Galastro add-on for Solar Fire.  I have two of his books The Astrology of Transcendence and The Astrology of Deep Space. 

He did a Heliocentric Astrology consultation with me back in November 2011.

He's one of my favorite astrologers. 

The astrologers that ultimately interest me are the those that consider things that most astrologers don't consider.  . 

They're things that fit in with Divergent Astrology.

Clairvision Astrology notes the following:

"Right ascension charts – what they mean

How does the meaning of a right ascension chart differ from a normal chart?

To answer this question, some say that the celestial equator is a more 'earthy' reference than the ecliptic. This makes sense, for the celestial equator is the projection of the earth's equator on the celestial sphere, while the ecliptic is the path of the Sun.

Consequently, they regard the right ascension chart as an indication of how a person manifests the potentialities of their 'normal' (longitude-based) chart into their life. From this perspective, the 'normal' chart shows potentialities; the right ascension chart shows how these potentialities are likely to manifest in real life. Hence the motto: right ascension chart – manifestation chart.

For instance, if an aspect or a cluster of planets is really critical in a person's chart, you may want to look at their right ascension chart to see if the aspect is also present, and if it is any different.

In astrological readings, it is not rare to see people who are not like their chart! For instance, one sees charts with beautiful potentialities which are not translated into the reality of the person's life. The right ascension chart may give clues as to why and how, and also clues as to how to manifest what is in the chart.

From these indications, you may also deduct that the right ascension charts of solar returns may be quite interesting, since when doing predictions you are precisely trying to determine how influences will manifest in real life."

Astrologer Dwight Ennis wrote an article about coordinates, and he made the following remark at the end of the article:

"While we, as astrologers, use Celestial Longitude divided into the Zodiac to define horizontal coordinates, astronomers generally use Right Ascension. As with Celestial Latitude, measurement begins with 0° corresponding to the point of the Vernal Equinox. However, where Celestial Latitude measures counter-clockwise, Right Ascension measures clockwise from this point, with the measurement being expressed either in degrees, minutes, and seconds of arc, or in hours, minutes, and seconds of time. In any event, it is still a system which used the Earth as its center of reference. Why that's logical and okay for astronomical measurement, but irrational and not okay for astrological measurement is beyond me!"

Why Right Ascension is logical and okay for astronomical measure but irrational and not okay for astrological measurement is also beyond me! 

There are free software that calculate Right Ascension positions

Riyal Calculation Software

Stellarium Astronomy Software

You can clearly see that there is an alignment of  Moon, theta Aquarius star Ancha, gamma Aquarius star Sadachbia, and The Atoms For Peace Galaxy in the constellation of Aquarius (Gu-la 'The Great One' representing Ea/Enki the Mesopotamian God of Waters and Wisdom) when I was born. 

The alignments in Right Ascension are actually mundane conjunctions. 

Right Ascension Positions 

Moon - 22h17m37.9s of Sidereal Time

Ancha - 22h15m21.69s of Sidereal Time

Sadachbia - 22h20m12.75s of Sidereal Time

Atoms For Peace Galaxy - 22h19m11.76s of Sidereal Time

Transit Time aka Culmination

Moon - 20h58m aka 8:58 PM

Ancha - 20h56m aka 8:56 PM

Sadachbia - 21h00m aka 9:00 PM

Atoms For Peace Galaxy - 20h59m aka 8:59 PM

They transit the Meridian together within 4 minutes of clock time,  and so they are in a paran. 

Objects that align in Right Ascension transit together.  They culminate together and anti-culminate together. 

Objects that align in Right Ascension actually have a visual connection.

In Sidereal Zodiac w Fagan-Bradley ayamansha

My Moon in 8'49 Aquarius does not have that visual connection with alpha Piscis Austrinus star Fomalhaut in 9'07 Aquarius nor alpha Aquarius star Sadalmelk in 9'01 Aquarius even though they are in alignment in Ecliptic Longitude. My Moon does have a visual connection with theta Aquarius star Ancha in 8'31 Aquarius for they are in true 3D body conjunction with 49 minutes of arc. I was born during a near Moon-Ancha occultation. 

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