Thursday, March 31, 2022

The US Capitol Attack

I did an astrological analysis of the US Capitol attack with the focus mainly on Azimuth which is the Longitude in the Horizontal coordinate system.   

Michael Erlewine:

Astrologers make regular use of three very different systems of coordinates (whether they are aware of it or not) each time they erect a natal chart: namely, (1) the Zodiac or Ecliptic, (2) the Equatorial system (right ascension and declination), and (3) the Horizon system of coordinates. The actual distinction between these different systems of coordinates are lost to most of us, and they are jumbled together to form some kind of zodiac pie. It has become my realization that these basic physical planes of reference -- the Horizon, Equator, Ecliptic, and even the Galactic and Supergalactic planes -- correspond symbolically to the various different dimensions or levels of our consciousness -- as they exist NOW, in mutual interpenetration. These levels can be sorted out; and as astrologers may learn to read these different levels as separate, yet related and whole dimensions of our experience.

Let me rephrase all of this. Our Universe, and therefore our Life, can be described or expressed in astrological terms using any one of several fundamental planes of reference: Ecliptic, Horizon, etc. These different planes and their respective coordinate systems are like different languages (or algebras), in that they each can express the same moment in time, the same planets -- in fact, each can express the entire universe; and yet each orders these same objects and data in a different way so as to bring out and raise a particular dimension of reality above the general threshold of our life and awareness. Since our life and consciousness appear to flow thru, at least, several quite distinct levels, it is my conviction that the most sensible method by which to express or map these different levels is thru such fundamental orderings, or reference planes. As astrologers, our almost exclusive concern for the plane of the earth's orbit -- the ecliptic or zodiac -- and the relation of all activity to this plane results in a loss of contrast and dimensionality that the use of these alternative coordinate systems provide.

In simple terms, the local space (LS) chart is a map of the 360 degrees of horizon surrounding an event such as birth... much as I might look around us toward the East, West, North, and South. In this coordinate system, the fundamental plane to which all else is referred is the horizon of the observer; and the position of the various planets as they appear from this location are projected onto the horizon using the coordinates: azimuth and altitude. Azimuth is the equivalent of zodiac longitude in this system and is measured, for our purposes, from the East direction, thru the North and on around in a counter-clockwise direction -- in the same way that I measure the traditional signs and houses. The chart wheel is as if one were standing in the northern hemisphere facing South. Altitude, analogous to ecliptic latitude, is measured above and below the horizon to the poles from 0 degrees to 90 degrees. It is worth the emphasis of repetition to stress that, from the standpoint of the local space chart, the horizon is the whole azimuth great circle as it ranges around the wheel of the chart -- not simply the line described by the astrologer's house cusps I and VII, as our astrological habituations tempt us to think. This, then, gives a sort of "flat earth" perspective, as it were, the visible horizon being much like a magical circle. And, as tradition teaches us regarding the nature of the magical circle: the circle is realized to be the equator of a sphere which extends above and below the plane of the local horizon (apparent or rational horizon cut the infinite sphere in coincident circles). Here is a map, in space, of an event from a topocentric perspective, or local center; and thus, an astrology of local space.

I strongly suspected that Eris, the transneptunian dwarf planet named after the Greek Goddess of Discord, was significantly placed in the celestial sky when the US Capitol Attacks began. 

I thought about the political discord, divisiveness in USA who has a T-Square of Sun-Eris opposition in square to Saturn in Right Ascension with all aspects orbs within 15 minutes of arc if considering that the Sibley Chart is the USA's Chart.  Of course, there is some debate about it. There are a lot of things in Astrology that are debated about with discord along with it.  The T-Square fits with the great diversity in USA along with its great discord. Saturn involve shows the restrictions limitations, and conservatism that that are in conflict with the diversity.  It took a Civil War to end slavery here in USA with many disagreeing with the purpose behind the war. Many Americans believe that it was over slavery, but many others believe that it was over states rights.  The country has a strong history of bigotry and divisive ideology along with unjust laws which leads to Civil/Equal Rights issues. Many of the Founding Fathers were slaveowners including Thomas Jefferson who wrote the Declaration of Independence and George Washington who was USA's first president.  During the American Revolution, Americans were deeply divided in regards to independence. Many Americans supported independence from Great Britain and were known as Patriots. Many other Americans supported Great Britain's rule and were known as Loyalists. 

Eris' Co-Discoverer, Michael Brown seemed to give the clue to Eris' meaning

“It is absolutely the perfect name,” Brown said, given the continuing discord among astronomers and the public over whether Pluto should have retained its planetary status.

In mythology, Eris ignited discord that led to the Trojan War.

“She causes strife by causing arguments among men, by making them think their opinions are right and everyone else’s is wrong,” Brown said. “It really is just perfect.”  

In the Merriam-Webster Dictionary 

eristic adjective

variants: or less commonly eristical \ i-​ˈri-​sti-​kəl  \

Definition of eristic (Entry 1 of 2)

: characterized by disputatious and often subtle and specious reasoning

eristic noun

Definition of eristic (Entry 2 of 2)

1: a person devoted to logical disputation

2: the art or practice of disputation and polemics

Other Words from eristic


eristically \ i-​ˈri-​sti-​k(ə-​)lē  \ adverb

Eristic means "argumentative as well as logically invalid." Someone prone to eristic arguments probably causes a fair amount of strife amongst his or her conversational partners. It's no surprise, then, that the word traces its ancestry back to the Greek word for "strife." Eristic and the variant eristical come from the Greek word eristikos, meaning "fond of wrangling," from erizein, "to wrangle," and ultimately from eris, which means "strife." The adjective appeared in print in English in 1637. It was followed approximately 20 years later by the noun eristic, which refers to either a person who is skilled at debates based on formal logic or to the art or practice of argument.

First Known Use of eristic


1637, in the meaning defined above


1659, in the meaning defined at sense 1

History and Etymology for eristic


Greek eristikos fond of wrangling, from erizein to wrangle, from eris strife

Zane Stein wrote about how Eris might have to do with Dialectics

the following is from his site:

Recently, I had occasion to read something that showed me a very positive side to Eris. Astrologer John Halloran posted the following (reprinted with his permission) on alt.astrology.moderated:

Eris - Discord and the Dialectic Process

It appears that the philosopher Hegel saw the evolutionary stage that is beyond Pluto.

Hegel saw the dialectic between thesis and antithesis as a constructive process that leads to a higher synthesis.

There is a discussion of Hegel's ideas excerpted at:

Quotes from this page:

"Dialectic is defined by Hegel as the power (or energy or force) of negativity."

"Dialectic is thus the transition of things, and of knowledge, from potentiality or abstraction to actuality and content, but in such a way that the arising of a fuller determination points beyond itself to a further determination. Every determination is both a result and a new beginning, concrete and abstract, for it occurs within a process of the becoming of a thing (or of knowledge), and hence is concrete relative to the origin of the process but abstract relative to the telos of the whole process. A thing becomes more and more fully developed through this successive dialectic of self-reconstruction."

So discord is part of a constant on-going dialectic process of maturation, of leaving behind one-sided viewpoints and partial truths. It shakes up the status quo and says that a more complete perspective is necessary.

Some of Zane Stein's keywords are based off of the Dialectical process of Eris  

the subject/object of a debate, argument, competition, conflict or war...what stirs people to fight or disagree; fighting for one's rights; strife and discord; pitting one side against the other; competition, contests and tournaments; struggles for supremacy; rivalry; a test of skills or abilities; love of fighting or debate; what one has at stake in a competition, dispute or conflict, or one's perspective of what is being fought over; refusing to relinquish one's hold on an ideal, belief, cause, or object...'not budging an inch'; the problems resulting from irreconcilable differences; contrasting different perspectives; comparing thesis and antithesis in the search for truth; contrasting opposing viewpoints to reveal each side more clearly, to seek similarities as well as differences; contrasting logical thought processes to show the limitations of logic; identifying with, or trying to understand, first principles; incongruous juxtapositions to force one to think outside of the box; the ethics connected with one's motives and methods, and the coming to light of less than spotless methods

In his speech Where Do We Go From Here the great Civil Rights Leader Dr. Martin Luther King Jr said:

"Now, don't think you have me in a bind today. I'm not talking about communism. What I'm talking about is far beyond communism...I read 'Communist Manifesto' and 'Das Kapital' a long time ago, and I saw that maybe Marx didn't follow Hegel enough. He took his dialectics, but he left out his idealism and his spiritualism. And he went over to a German philosopher by the name of Feuerbach, and took his materialism and made it into a system that he called 'dialectical materialism.' I have to reject that.

What I'm saying to you this morning is communism forgets that life is individual. Capitalism forgets that life is social. And the kingdom of brotherhood is found neither in the thesis of communism nor the antithesis of capitalism, but in a higher synthesis. It is found in a higher synthesis that combines the truths of both. Now, when I say questioning the whole society, it means ultimately coming to see that the problem of racism, the problem of economic exploitation, and the problem of war are all tied together. These are the triple evils that are interrelated."

Eris' astrological influence  was already apparent before Mike Brown gave the object the name because of the intense debate and argument that the discovery of Eris led to. Determining the astrological influence of Eris was quite easy. Mike Brown even told that Eris almost made him believe in Astrology.  Considering the orbital characteristics, Eris is transpersonal, transcendental, and nonconformist to a far greater extent than the outer planets (Uranus and Neptune).  The third discovered Centaur Nessus' name was proposed by some  astrologers and accepted by astronomers. These highly astronomically oriented astrologers came up with Nessus' name based on its orbit between Saturn and Pluto. They believed that the Nessus' orbital characteristics fit the mythology of Nessus.  The Saturn/Pluto midpoint is said to be Nessus-sensitive just like the Saturn/Uranus midpoint is said to be Chiron-sensitive and Saturn/Neptune midpoint to be Pholus-sensitive. You can gain an understanding of outer objects based on their physical and orbital characteristics. Transneptunian Dwarf Planet Candidate Sedna, named after the Inuit Ocean Goddess Ruler of the Underworld, got its name because of its extreme distance and frigidity as a Detached Object and hypothesized Oort Cloud Object. 

Eris-discover Mike Brown pointed out that Eris has a Persephone-like orbit in that half of the time, it orbits away from Pluto. He thought Persephone of Proserpina was a suitable name for Eris, but the names were already given to asteroids.  Persephone/Proserpina was the daughter of Zeus/Jupiter and Demeter/Ceres niece/wife of Hades/Pluto. She was forced to spend Fall and Winter in the Underworld.

Some of Zane Stein's astrological keywords for Eris are based off the orbital symbolism in connection to Persephone/Proserpina.

Loss of innocence, entrance into adulthood; child's trauma being separated from parent; acceptance of unavoidable changes; dying and being reborn (as opposed to Pluto which rules the causes/processes of death and rebirth); internal split causing longing to be whole, the longing of the soul for its other half;  

The discovery of Eris led to Ceres and Pluto becoming equals as Dwarf Planets in Astronomy. Pluto was downgraded, and Ceres was upgraded.  In Mythology, Persephone/Proserpina's time was split between Demeter/Ceres and Hades/Pluto. Ceres, Pallas, Juno, and Vesta were categorized as Planets, and the discovery of Astraea and many other objects orbiting between Mars and Jupiter led to them being stripped of their planetary statuses and categorized as asteroids.  Pluto got stripped of its planetary status as result of many other transneptunian objects being discovered and categorized as Kuiper Belt Object and Dwarf Planet.

US Capitol Attack

Jan 6, 2021 

12:53 PM is when it began

Washington DC

Eris Rose at 12:51 PM 

Altair Transit at 12:54 PM

Eris was Rising during the beginning of the Capitol Attack

Altair was Culminating during the beginning of the Capitol Attack

Sidereal Time 19h50m58.8s (same as The Right Ascension of Midheaven)

Altair RA 19h51m46.22 s (on the the Upper Meridian) 

Pluto RA 19h46m03.07s (close to the Upper Meridian)

Mercury RA 19h58m28.04s (close to the Upper Meridian)

Pluto's Ecliptic Latitude:   - 1°12'10.9"

Mercury's Ecliptic Latitude - 2° 07'25.5"

Pluto was near the ecliptic at the time.  It tends to orbit well off the ecliptic.

For it to be near the Midheaven (the intersection of the Ecliptic and the Upper Meridian), Pluto had to be near the ecliptic. 

Pluto's Declination: - 22°25'28.1"

Mercury's Declination: - 22°48'56.9"

Mercury and Pluto were in parallel,  and so that's why they are not that far apart and both are near the Midheaven.

In Azimuth

Moon 270°53'56.4"  (bear true West) 

Phact   89°44'00.7"  (bear true East)

Scheat 89°56' 17.1"  ( bear true East)

Eris 92°23'13.7" (bear true East)

Altair 179°34'04.5" (bear true South)

Pluto 181°17'38.0" (bear true South)

Mercury 178°02'12.3" (bear true South)

Moon is in opposition to Phact and Scheat on the Prime Vertical and square Altair, Mercury and Pluto which on the Meridian. 

Keep in mind that Eris is on the Horizon.

Emotions are at odds with Unexpected, Unsettling Awareness (Eris) and in friction with Communication (Mercury) and Power (Pluto).

In the Ecliptic Longitude Chart 

Fagan-Bradley Sidereal

(I use the Sidereal Zodiac since reading Babylonian Star-lore by Gavin White over 6 years ago)

Moon in 26°06 Virgo

Eris in 28°25 Pisces

Mercury in 2°25 Capricorn

Pluto in 29°10 Sagittarius

The T-Square of Mercury-Pluto conjunction in square to the opposition of Moon and Eris occur in both Azimuth and Equatorial Longitude. 

so strong challenges involving communications, power, emotions, and Unexpected, Unsettling Awareness


In Azimuth:

 The T-Square of Moon-Eris opposition in square to Pluto has a corresponding direct midpoint picture of

Pluto conjunct Moon/Eris - 21 min 

Power in connection with the emotions and Unexpected, Unsettling Awareness

If include the Vertex which some astrologers have to do with fate

Moon conjunct Vertex - 52 min   

Moon isn't really conjunct the Vertex astronomically.  Moon appears to conjunct the Vertex in the Azimuth Chart due to Moon being on the Western Prime Vertical.  If an object is on the Eastern Prime Vertical, then it appears as a conjunction to the AntiVertex in the Azimuth chart.  The Vertex-AntiVertex axis are always exactly square the Midheaven/Imum Coeli axis in Azimuth Chart. 

Vertex is a point that bears True West, Anti-Vertex is a point that bears True East, Midheaven is the point that bears True South, Imum Coeli is a point that bears True North.

Objects on the Prime Vertical are strong personal energies and that they are just as important as objects on the Meridian and Horizon. 

When I look at intersection points in the Astronomy program Stellarium, I can't help believe that The Prime Vertical/Meridian/Equator intersection points East Point and West Point, the Prime Vertical/Horizon intersection points North Point and South Point, the Prime Vertical/Meridian intersection points Zenith and Nadir are more personal, important points than the Meridian/Ecliptic intersection points Midheaven and Imum Coeli, the Horizon/Ecliptic intersection points Ascendant and Descendant, and the Prime Vertical/Ecliptic Points the Vertex and AntiVertex in Astrology.

There are also the Galactic Equator and SuperGalactic Equator to consider. The intersection points between the Galactic Equator and Super Galactic Equator and the Prime Vertical, Meridian, and Horizon could be important points in Astrology.  Michael Erlewine has brought all this up before.

Pluto conjunct Vertex/Eris - 5 min

power in connection with fate and Unexpected, Unsettling Awareness

The Mercury-Pluto-Midheaven conjunction has a corresponding direct midpoint picture of

Midheaven conjunct Mercury/Pluto - 19 min

the moment in connection to communications and power

Altair is Alpha Aquilae (The Eagle)

Scheat is Beta Pegasi  (Pegasus, The Winged Stallion)

The Square of Pegasus was originally known as The Field which was associated with Ea/Enki who was the Mesopotamian God of the Waters and Wisdom and was the deity that the constellation Aquarius represented.

Phact is Alpha Columba  (The Dove)

The following is from Star and Planet Constellations by Bernadette Brady 

The principle of Altair, the Eagle, boldness and military power

Altair is associated with boldness and action but this boldness is also connected to human relationships and caring. This star carries the divine fire of inspiration which transforms into determination, the ability to achieve through risk-taking or through dogged determination. This is a start of action and strength and so will naturally seek action rather than inaction. At the same time, this quest for action is not just for it's own sake but also to serve others

Moon-Altair - To admire bold individuals; to seek to emulate strong or independent women. Having little regard for personal safety if loved ones are threatened. People emotionally moved by acts of courage

The Principle of  Scheat, a love of intellect, a searcher for truth

This star is part of the Great Square of Pegasus. The square, in ancient cultures, represented the intellect, the knowing rather than the knowing. Intuition, on the other hand, was symbolized as circular. As a part of this sky-square, Scheat appears to represent the essence of intellect. Depending on the planet with which is paran, Scheat indicates a love of intellect and the challenge of logic in one's life, in service for the search of truth. This star denotes a free thinking and independent person who will have a need to break with conventional thought or philosophy.

Moon-Scheat -  Challenging social conventions; free-thinking in the arts, cuisine and matters of care.  A time when social or business conventions are broken.

The Principle of Phact, the Dove, to explore

This star used to be part of the Argo, on the top of the bow, crashing through waves in uncharted waters. Phact adds the element of exploration, of seeking the unknown and of being prepared to move into situations that are unfamiliar. It can also be a bold-risk taking statement or, alternatives, it can be the exploration of intellectual pursuits.

Moon-Phact - The romantic adventurer, of places or ideas. A craving for that which is exciting, a thrill seeker.  A romantic adventure grips popular culture

I have gotten interested in the 15th Harmonic aspects, and I recently made a blog post about them. I wanted to set the record straight that Quindecile is really 24° and not 165° which have been claimed by Noel Tyl and his followers. Some astrologers note that Harmonically oriented Astrologer/Astronomer Johannes Kepler came up with the minor 15th Harmonic Aspects.  His coming up with the 5th Harmonic Aspects has no doubt.  Trine, the 5th harmonic aspects, and the minor 15th harmonic aspects are related to each other as 15th harmonic aspects.

 I checked to see if there were any 15th Harmonic Aspect patterns.  

15th harmonic aspects are the 24 degree series of aspects:

1/15      24°  -     Quindecile 

2/15      48°  -     BiQuindecile 

3/15      72°  -     Quintile aka TriQuindecile

4/15      96°  -     QuadriQuindecile 

5/15     120°  -    Trine aka QuinqueQuindecille

6/15     144° -     BiQuintile aka SexQuindecile

7/15     168° -     SeptQuindecile

Moon, Mercury, and Sedna were in a 15th Harmonic Triangle.

Emotions, Communications, Unconscious Depths, Otherworldly that are connected through and ease of creativity (3 x 5)

Moon quadriquindecile Mercury - 1 min

Moon biquintile Mercury - 30 min

Mercury trine Sedna - 32 min

The Azimuth Chart

The Altitude Chart

The Ecliptic Longitude Chart

Eris in the celestial sky

on the Horizon

Pluto in the celestial sky

near the Midheaven

Mercury in the celestial sky

near the Midheaven

Altair in the celestial sky

on the Prime Vertical

Moon in the celestial sky

on the Prime Vertical

Scheat in the celestial sky

on the Prime Vertical

Phact in the celestial sky

on the Prime Vertical

Moon, Mercury, Sedna 15th Harmonic Triangle in US Capitol Attacks

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