Friday, December 25, 2020

Christmas Star Alignment

 Every Christmas,  there is a Sun-Polis alignment in both Ecliptic Longitude and Right Ascension.

This Christmas,  there is a Sun-Quaoar-Polis alignment in both Ecliptic Longitude and Right Ascension. 

Polis (mu Sagittarii) is a multiple star system in the constellation of Sagittarius. 

The system is 3,000 light-years from the Sun.

Its Spectral Class is B8

The components of the Mu Sagittarii system are designated 'A' through 'E', in order of their distance from the brightest, which is Mu Sagittarii A.  'A' is itself a spectroscopic binary with components designated Mu Sagittarii Aa and Ab. Of the five visible stars, component C is considered an optical double, not physically close to the other stars. Component D has also been listed as a purely optical double by some authors,but others consider it to be part of a trapezium system of four gravitationally bound stars (plus an unseen companion).

A has a 3.88 magnitude

B has a 8.04 magnitude

C has a 10.99 magnitude 

D has a 9.63 magnitude

E has a 9.25 magnitude

Mu Sagittarii A appears as a type-B giant star with a total luminosity of 180,000 times that of the Sun and a radius of 115 times the Sun's. Its mass is 23 times the solar mass while it has a surface temperature of 11,100 K. Mu Sagitarii Aa is a type B8 supergiant and the companion (Mu Sagitarii Ab) is a type B2 giant.

Quaoar is a cubewano (classical Kuiper Belt object) transneptunian dwarf planet candidate named after the Los Angeles Native American Tongva God who created through song and dance.  It measures approximately 1,121 km (697 mi) in diameter, about half the diameter of Pluto. It has an orbital period of 288.83 years.

<===  QUAOAR: Primitive, Fundamental  ===>

Quaoar ( 2002 LM60 / 50000 ) is about the primitive levels of connection between an individual and what is around them. This is partially about fundamental internal needs and how they are expressed or fail to be expressed in the outside world and the residual angst that this generates in that person. It is about inclusion or exclusion in all forms. Are you inside the circle or out in the cold. The circle could be a social circle or a racial group or it could be the realm of nature itself. There is a very primitive concrete form of expression that results from that sence of connection or alienation. The individual may be anywhere on that continuum from a desperate need to belong to a need to be separate and free from those connections and the resulting expectations. Thus we have here the interface between opposites and the creative process where they change from one to the other.

With it being a transneptunian dwarf planet candidate, Quaoar is an Evolutionary Intensified Object. Evolutionary suggests that emotional and spiritual crisis induced by the presence and passage of these bodies intends to enhance the insight, inspiration, creativity and consciousness of a person on Earth and through events on Earth containing these bodies in significant locations.

Dec 25, 2021 

London, United Kingdom

used noon for time

Ecliptic Coordinates:

Ecliptic Longitude

Sidereal Zodiac (Huber Babylonian)

Polis in 8'34 Sagittarius

Sun in 9'11 Sagittarius

Quaoar in 9'25 Sagittarius

Right Ascension:

Polis: 18hr14min59s  

Sun: 18hr17min56s

Quaoar: 18hr17min53s

The Mesopotamian Astrologers knew Sagittarius as Pa-bil-sag.  From the old Babylonian period, Pab-il-sag is frequently identified with the god Ninurta who was son of Enlil. His name, Pabil-sag, reveals him to be the ‘Chief Ancestor’ or ‘Forefather’.  The themes of death and destruction are very apparent in the astrological lore of Pabilsag.  

Babylonian astrologers identified his component parts with other independent star figures of a similar appearance – in this instance, Pabilsag’s arrow can be identified with the constellation of the Arrow (properly speaking the star Sirius, which marks the summer solstice), and his scorpion-tail can be identified with the Scorpion’s Stinger. The close affinity between Pabilsag and Ninurta may have contributed to these particular identifications, as both the Arrow and the Scorpion’s Stinger are closely associated with Ninurta in astrological lore.

Wednesday, December 23, 2020

Stellar Aspects - George C. Noonan Jr

 Fixed Stars & Judicial Astrology by George C. Noonan Jr.    published 1990

page 2

As explained in Classical Scientific Astrology, the planets exert their influence through aspectual relationships with each other, with the signs, and with important points in the chart such as the horoscope Ascendant and Midheaven. The planetary aspects are not in general applicable to the fixed stars. Remember that in classical astrology the positions of the stars is not translated to the ecliptic. They keep their position in the heavens as seen from the Earth. As a result, most of the stars are so far removed from the ecliptic that a classicist would say “their rays cannot co-mingle.” And second, the classical astrologers applying observational astronomy would naturally utilize these relationships most visually apparent: the rising, setting, and culmination of the stars. Those stars rising, setting, and culminating at the time and place for which a nativity is cast are those stars that the native is born under. These are extremely important.

But there are also stellar aspects, and Ptolemy explicitly refers (in viii:4 of the Almagest) to aspects of the fixed stars with the Sun when indicating the applications of the fixed stars and constellations to correlative effects of eclipses(in ii:7 of Tetrabiblos). A star that is rising in the morning with the Sun was said by Ptolemy to be matutine subsolar. That star rising with the Sun on the day and place that the chart is cast for is therefore in a matutine subsolar aspect with the Sun. When the Sun is rising a star may also be culminating or setting. The aspects are called matutine culmination and matutine setting. Hence a star that is culminating or setting at the instant the Sun is rising on the day for which a chart is cast is said to be in these aspects with the Sun.

Now place the Sun on the Midheaven on the day and place for which the chart is cast. Stars that are rising, culminating, and setting as the Sun is culminating are said to be in meridianal subsolar, meridianal culminating, or in meridinal setting aspect aspect with the Sun. Finally, stars that are rising, culminating, and setting as the Sun is setting are in a vespertine rising, vespertine culmination, and vespertine setting aspect with the Sun.

Stellar aspects with planets other than the Sun are restricted to co-rising, co-culmination, and co-setting of the star and planet. An exception is occultation of a star by the Moon or planets. But this latter aspect, which has the force of a planetary conjunction, can only occur with those stars close to the ecliptic. There is a natural extension of the six stellar aspects with the Sun to the planets, but there is no evidence that they were used in classical times.

The rising and culminating aspects are more benefic (or at least more significant). As a setting star is apt to be connected with death, these aspects are more malefic. Matutine aspect are strong than meridianal, which are stronger than vespertine. The actual influence of a star or constellation is dependent on its nature in combination with an aspect.

page 80

An individual's Sun sign is specific only to the thirty-day period of birth. The stars one is born under, on the other hand, are specific to the exact time and location of birth. That is, one's Sun sign is applicable to millions of people born within the same thirty-day period. In contrast, one’s astrological chart, depicting the locations of all the heavenly bodies at the time of birth, is as unique to a person as fingerprints. The stars one is born under fall in between these two extremes.

The stars one is  born under are determined from the local sidereal time of birth. A star whose right ascension is the same as this sidereal time will culminate at the time and place of the native's birth.  When  time for rising or setting corresponds to the sidereal time of birth the star will be rising or setting.

Also of interest are those stars in stellar aspect to the Sun. The sidereal time that the Sun rises, sets and culminates on the day of the native's birth (rather than the time of birth) is the determining factor. The fixed stars are rising, setting, or culminating at this time are the ones in aspect.

For those stars rising, setting, or culminating at the same time of birth an orb of fifteen minutes is used since it is rare that greater precision in the time of birth can be obtained. An orb of four minutes is used for stellar aspects as this represents one day's movement by the Sun. It may happen that more than one star is within an orb.

page 3 - 4

The natures of the stars were assigned by the classicists on the basis of their color: red to Mars and Saturn, white to Venus, blue to Jupiter and the Moon, and yellow to Mercury and to the Sun. It is not surprising, therefore to find a strong correlation of the ancient natures of the fixed stars with their modern stellar spectra. In this regard the stars can be classified according to their spectra in a very natural way from the most benefic to the most malefic.

Class O stars are those whose spectra is very strong in the ultraviolet lines of nitrogen and live-giving oxygen. Stars in this class would have the nature of the most benefic planet of all-the Moon. Class B stars are strong in helium, but also with nitrogen and oxygen. They are astrologically as Jupiter. Class A stars are those which the element hydrogen is prominent. They are as Venus. Mercury is neutral as to a benefic or malefic nature, and stars with a spectral class F can also be classified as neutral in that this class contains minor metals such as calcium and is a bridge to the more metallic stars. So stars in spectral class F are as Mercury. Our Sun is a spectral class G star. Surprisingly (or is it so?), in the natural order in which we have been listing the stars, their spectra, and their astrological natures, stars in spectral class G are astrologically as the Sun! Metallic lines, especially iron, dominate the spectra of Class K stars. Class K stars are therefore of the nature of Mars. Finally, those stars in spectral class M, with its lines of harsh metals such as titanium oxide, have the astrological nature of the highly malefic Saturn. To summarize:

Stellar Spectra                                   Planetary Nature

O                                                                  Moon

B                                                                   Jupiter

A                                                                  Venus

F                                                                  Mercury

G                                                                  Sun

K                                                                  Mars

M                                                                  Saturn

Thursday, December 17, 2020

Converting to Sidereal Zodiac from Tropical Zodiac

I use the Sidereal Zodiac since I switched from Tropical Zodiac back in fall of 2015 after buying and reading Gavin White's Babylonian Star-lore.  I was a temporary Sidereal Zodiac user in 2012 and bought a couple of Cyril Fagan's books and Kenneth Bowser's Introduction to Western Sidereal Astrology. 

It was reading about Robert Hand recommending using precession correction with Tropical Transits in his book, Planets in Transit that made me question using the Tropical Zodiac for looking at transits and returns.

Even before I switched Zodiacs, I was focused mainly on Planetary Geometry because of my being strongly influenced by Magi Astrology and Cosmobiology.

I temporarily converted back in 2012 after reading Cyril Fagan's books, but I went back to Tropical Zodiac out of habit.

Gavin White opened my eyes.

I have Moon and Mars in Sidereal Aquarius. They are in the constellation, Aquarius. My Moon is conjunct alpha Aquarii Sadalmelek and theta Aquarii Ancha.

My Moon is conjunct gamma Aquarii Sadalbachia and Ancha in Right Ascension.

My Moon is in a 3D conjunction with Ancha. 

The stuff that Gavin White wrote about Aquarius deeply resonated with me. That's something that Diana Rosenberg and Bernadette Brady failed to do with me when I read their histories of the Aquarius constellation.

Unlike them, Gavin pointed out that Aquarius was Gu-la 'The Great One' which represented Ea/Enki who was the God of Water,Wisdom,Magic,and the Arts. He was also a fertility god. He resided in the Apsu which is a watery region located between the Earth and the Netherworld. Capricorn was Sahur-Mas-ku 'The Goatfish.' Ea's symbol was the goat-fish. Both Gu-la and Sahur-Mas-ku were associated with him. Piscis Austrinus was Ku 'The Fish', and it was associated with Ea too. As-Gan ' The Field' was the other constellation associated with Ea.

In the Mul.Apin, Gu-la is identified as Ea.

I don't believe in using elements and ruling planets for the Sidereal Zodiac. The Babylonians didn't use them. That's all Hellenistic. I strongly disagree with what Western Sidereal Astrologers and Vedic Astrologers are doing. I don't want to use the Latin names for the zodiac signs like the Western Sidereal Astrologers do.

I want to use the Mesopotamian names for the zodiac and interpret the zodiac signs based on the Mesopotamian star-lore which means that Gu-la (Aquarius) and Sahur-Mas-ku (Capricorn) would be water signs due to them being Ea/Enki and his symbol, the goat-fish. I'd see my Moon and Mars in Gu-la and North Lunar Node in Suhur-Mas-ku as watery placements with no connection to Uranus and Saturn. Mas-tab-ba-gal-gal (Gemini) would be Martian due to them being Twin Warriors that guard the Underworld ruled by Nergal which was the deity that was associated with Mars. Zi-ba-an-na (Libra) would be a strong and favorable placement for the Sun due to the fact that the scales is sacred to the Sungod, Shamash and that the sign represents him in his role as God of Truth and Justice. I view my Sun (especially), Mercury, and Venus in Zi-ba-an-na to have a solar-influence and not a Venusian influence.

Sunday, December 13, 2020

Donald Trump's Mundane Aspects

 Donald Trump's Mundane Aspects

I looked at Donald Trump's mundane aspects which are also known as parans.

According to Western Sidereal Astrologer Kenneth Bowser, Mundane aspect are one of the most sophisticated tools in an astrologer’s toolbox and will allow you to see the hidden aspects that are missed when you look at a chart in only one dimension.

Mundane squares, oppositions, and conjunctions are not potential aspects but actual aspects since they operate whether they are actually in the angles at the time of birth or become so later in the day. 

Objects are placed into an expanded speculum by hand when their R.A. (Right Ascension) and dec. (Declination) values are taken from a reference work or calculated by converting their celestial latitude and longitude into R.A. and dec. Relationships between objects then come to light that are real since bodies are described in terms of three-dimensional reality via the x and y coordinates R.A. and dec. plus the component of time/date. 

Bodies that are within two degrees of arc, which is eight minutes of sidereal time of simultaneously angularity are tremendously powerful because they are local.

The Speculum is from David Cochrane's Sirius 3.0 astrology program and the objects are listed with Local Sidereal Time (LST) angles and not LST times

Donald Trump    Jun 14, 1946    10:54 AM

Jamaica, New York    40 N 41 29   73 W 48 22   Tropical   Placidus

Daylight Saving Time observed    GMT: 14:54:00    Time Zone: 5 hours West

                       Rise      MC       Set     IC

Sun                   330°37'   82°18'  193°59' 262°18'

Moon                  192°02'  260°25'  328°48'  80°25'

Mercury               345°58'   99°47'  213°36' 279°47'

Venus                   6°53'  118°06'  229°19' 298°06'

Mars                   47°16'  149°26'  251°37' 329°26'

Jupiter               111°26'  196°37'  281°48'  16°37'

Saturn                  5°55'  115°43'  225°31' 295°43'

Uranus                325°29'   76°50'  188°11' 256°50'

Neptune                96°46'  185°57'  275°08'   5°57'

Pluto                  22°00'  134°21'  246°42' 314°21'

Asc                    52°00'  152°03'  252°07' 332°03'

MC                    304°54'   52°00'  159°05' 232°00'

Cere                  252°04'  318°16'   24°29' 138°16'

Pallas                165°55'  278°15'   30°34'  98°15'

Juno                  104°27'  197°36'  290°44'  17°36'

Vesta                 275°39'    0°27'   85°16' 180°27'

Chiron                109°12'  193°22'  277°31'  13°22'

Eris                  305°05'   16°28'   87°51' 196°28'

Ixion                  95°59'  196°11'  296°23'  16°11'

Quaoar                 91°20'  180°23'  269°26'   0°23'

Chaos                 278°52'  358°50'   78°48' 178°50'

Sedna                 295°11'   24°36'  114°02' 204°36'

Orcus                 324°06'   78°51'  193°35' 258°51'

Varuna                304°59'   31°12'  117°25' 211°12'

Haumea                 29°37'  142°06'  254°36' 322°06'

Makemake              340°11'  110°10'  240°09' 290°10'

Hygiea                278°18'   18°19'  118°19' 198°19'

2007 OR10             261°05'  313°06'    5°07' 133°06'

Salacia               203°45'  264°14'  324°42'  84°14'

Varda                 100°42'  189°43'  278°45'   9°43'

Mundane Aspects

2 degree orb for luminaries, planets

used a smaller orb of 1 1/2 degrees for the major asteroids,major transneptunian objects



    5°55'  Saturn               Rise

    5°57'  Neptune              Anti-Culminate

    6°53'  Venus                Rise

Venus-Saturn conjunction in square to Neptune

love and struction in friction to idealism

  117°25'  Varuna               Set

  118°06'  Venus                Culminate

Venus square Varuna

love in friction with Legacy


  192°02'  Moon                 Rise

  193°35'  Orcus                Set

  193°59'  Sun                  Set

Moon oppose Sun-Orcus conjunction

He has the same configuration in Ecliptic Longitude aka Zodiacal

emotions in friction with self expression and Death as a force in life


  251°37'  Mars                 Set

  252°04'  Ceres                Rise

Mars square Ceres

assertion in friction with nurturing

  260°25'  Moon                 Culminate

  261°05'  2007 OR10            Rise

Moon square 2007 OR10 aka Gonggong

emotions in friction with Group Resonance

  278°52'  Chaos                Rise

  279°47'  Mercury              Anti-Culminate

  281°48'  Jupiter              Set

Mercury oppose Jupiter

Mercury square Chaos

communication at odds with expansion

communication in friction with Chaotic Energy Tranformation


  329°26'  Mars                 Anti-Culminate

  330°37'  Sun                  Rise

Sun square Mars

self expression in friction with assertion

Thursday, December 10, 2020

The 12 Sign Babylonian Zodiac was Sidereal


Norming of the Zodiac

from pages 131 to 132  of The Heavenly Writing: Divination, Horoscopy, And Astronomy In Mesopotamian Culture by Francesca Rochberg

Since Ptolemy's Almagest, the beginning of the zodiac at 0 degrees Aries was fixed in relation to the vernal equinox, which however, moves westward at a constant rate of (1/72 degrees per year). The Babylonian zodiac was not counted from the vernal point, but was generally normed by the end points of zodiacal constellations, each one counted from 0 degrees to 30 degrees. This implies an ecliptic of 360 degrees, but Babylonian astronomy employed degrees within signs rather than a strictly numerical count of longitudes from 0 to 360. Also the longitudes assigned to the fixed stars were done so arbitrarily with the result that the zero point of the ecliptic did not coincide with the vernal equinox.  That the Babylonian zodiac was sidereally fixed implies that regardless of date the fixed stars do not change their positions (degree of longitude) with respect to the norming point of the ecliptic. 

The zodiac and the year itself were defined sidereally, so that one year was the time in which the returned to the same position with respect to a fixed star. The year that was counted from vernal equinox to vernal equinox, known as the tropical year, was not distinguished by the Babylonians from the sidereal year. To have done so would have been to recognize the fact that the equinoxes move - the precession of the equinoxes - and this has been ruled out for Babylonian astronomy.

In mathematical astronomical texts, the equinoxes and solstices were also normed sidereally at 10 degrees Aries in system A and 8 degrees Aries in System B.  That the cardinal points of the year do not correspond to the zero points of the appropriate signs in the Babylonian zodiac is a result of the sidereal (rather than the tropical) construction of the zodiac. The two systems of Babylonian mathematical astronomy maintained the two norming points throughout the period of their use. As Neugerbauer pointed out, neither the chronological relation between Systems A and B Norms nor the reason for their difference is understood. That both vernal-point longitudes remained sidereally fixed, however, proves precession was not recognized. 

The counting of the zodiac signs from Aries is a consequence of the origins of the zodiacal signs in the association between zodiacal constellations and the twelve schematic months of the year. Although the original list of stars in the "path of the moon" began at the end of Aries, specifically, with the Pleiades (choosing an exemplary star with longitude), the zodiac, when it is numerated in texts, begin with Aries. More precisely, however, we still cannot establish the star that originally served as norming point for the ecliptic. Even were we assume the vernal point was determined correctly when it was assigned 10 degrees then 8 degrees Aries, the corresponding dates for these zodiacal norming points cannot be pinpointed, as we do not sufficiently understand the ancient methods used to obtain those values. Comparison against modern values for the longitudes of equinoxes is therefore uninformative for this purpose.

Chapter 2. Introduction to Text Editions

1 Presentation of Horoscopes and Birth Notes

from page 17 of Babylonian Horoscopes by Francesca Rochberg

Dates have been established for the texts, or when a date is preserved, the dates are checked by means of planetary longitudes. These planetary longitudes are tabulated separately in the astronomical commentary to each horoscope, where the ancient data are compared against modern computed longitudes (see below chapter 2 2.1 Longitudes). The longitude tables present three columns: the list of seven planets, their longitudes (or position with respect to a normal star) found in the horoscope, and their longitudes computed by modern means. Rarely are degrees of longitude given in the texts. Ecliptical longitude is generally expressed with respect to the name of a zodiacal sign. And when degrees of longitude are given, these too, in the standard manner of Babylonian astronomical texts, are expressed with reference to the 30 degrees of a zodiacal sign, i.e., not with reference to a continuous 360 degree ecliptic. The Babylonian zodiac was at all times sidereal (see this chapter below 2.1) For comparison of ancient and modern data, my computation, wherever possible, also takes into account a time of birth. The hour (or approximate time) of birth is determined either from direct statements in the text, or approximated on the basis of other internal evidence (such as the position of the moon). In the total absence of evidence, planetary positions were computed simply for the time just after sunset, i.e., the beginning of the Babylonian day.

2 Methods of Dating

2.1 Longitudes

from page 19 of Babylonian Horoscopes by Francesca Rochberg

The horoscopes are not dated documents in the sense that the time of writing of the document is given. The date of birth, which is the key item, is given in all cases, but unfortunately is not always preserved. In most cases, establishing the date of the horoscope is a master of finding the closest fit between the ancient planetary longitudes given in the text and longitudes obtained through modern computation. To compare modern computed longitudes against those in a Babylonian source, it is helpful to correct for a systematic deviation in values that results from the different methods of counting longitude, i.e., modern tropical versus Babylonian sidereal longitudes. This systematic deviation represents the effect of precession upon the sidereally normed Babylonian zodiac.

Chapter 3 Elements of a Babylonian Horoscope

1.3 The Names Of Fixed Stars

from pages 30 and 31 of Babylonian Horoscopes by Francesca Rochberg

Omens based upon the appearances of fixed stars are known from Enuma Anu Enlil,  but no mention is made of fixed star phases in the horoscopes. The references to stars in horoscopes are confined to the use of the ecliptical stars as a set of observational reference points. The Babylonian term for these stars was kakkabu minati (MUL.SID.MES) "counting stars," but have come to be known in modern terminology as normal stars after Epping's term Normalsterne. These stars lie close to the ecliptic, i.e. failling within a fairly narrow band of latitude between +10 degrees and - 7.30 degrees within which the moon and planets can be seen. The normal stars are most commonly found in the non-mathematical astronomical texts, especially the diaries, and normal star almanacs derived from the diaries. No complete list as such is attested in an ancient source, but about 34 normal stars are presently known. A useful list of the 32 most commonly occuring may be found in Sachs-Hunger, Diaries, pp. 17-19.

The normal stars provided a positional system which distance with respect to a certain normal star was noted in cubits (KUS = ammatu) and fingers (SU.SU = ubanu) where 24 fingers equal 1 cubit, and 12 fingers equal 1 degree. Directional terms "above" and "below" normal stars are more difficult to interpret. The normal stars as an ecliptical reference system are utilized in the horoscopes exclusively for citing the position of the moon. In these few horoscopes, the position of the moon seems to be given with reference to a normal star when it is above the horizon at (or near) the time of birth, and usually is given in addition to a zodiacal position. The normal star positions found in the horoscopes are almost certainly extracted from astronomical diaries.

Wednesday, December 9, 2020

My 12th Harmonic Irregular Hexagon of Moon, Neptune, Vesta, Quaoar-Varda, Pallas-Varuna, Sedna


My 12th Harmonic Irregular Hexagon

1. Moon in 8'49 Aquarius
2. Neptune in 7'27 Scorpio
3. Vesta in 8'40 Capricorn
4. Quaoar in 8'01 Libra, Varda in 7'59 Libra
5. Pallas in 8'14 Taurus R, Varuna in 8'40 Taurus R
6. Sedna in 7'49 Aries R

Moon trine Quaoar - '48
Moon trine Varda - '49
Moon square Varuna - '09
Moon square Pallas - '35
Moon square Neptune - 1'22
Moon sextile Sedna - 1'04
Moon semisextile Vesta - '09

Pallas conjunct Varuna - '25
Pallas oppose Neptune - '47
Pallas trine Vesta - '25
Pallas semisextile Sedna - '29
Pallas quincunx Quaoar - '13
Pallas quincunx Varda - '14

Vesta square Quaoar - '38
Vesta square Varda - '40
Vesta square Sedna - '54
Vesta sextile Neptune - 1'22

Neptune semisextile Varda - '32
Neptune semisextile Quaoar - '34
Neptune quincunx Sedna - '18

Quaoar conjunct Varda - '01

Varda oppose Sedna - '14

Quaoar oppose Sedna - '15

all aspects within 1 1/2 degree orb

Sedna, Quaoar, Varuna and Varda are transneptunian dwarf planet candidates
Vesta and Pallas are asteroid protoplanets

Minor planets that aspect all six of the objects within 1 1/2 degree orb

Lancelot in 8'52 Aquarius - courtly love  

Hermes in 8'55 Aquarius - Greek messenger of the Gods 

White in 8'25 Aquarius - white 

Walkure in 8'43 Leo - Valkyrie, female warrior spirit in Norse myths (oppose Moon)

Pomona in 8'05 Gemini - Roman Goddess of Fruitful Abundance

Parsifal in 8'03 Libra - innocence 

Cloelia in 8'48 Libra - Semi-historical heroine celebrated by ancient Roman writers for leading an escape from an Etruscan camp and swimming across the Tiber River 

Euphrates in 8'49 Libra - one of the two rivers in Mesopotamia 

Typhon in 8'41 Aries R - transneptunian object named after a monstrous serpentine giant and one of the deadliest creatures in Greek mythology (conjunct Sedna)

Gilgamesh in 7'45 Taurus R - a hero king in Mesopotamian Mythology 

Calliope in 8'49 Taurus R - Muse of Epic Poetry, mother of Orpheus

Undina in 8'52 Taurus R - Undine, a category of elemental beings associated with water, first named in the alchemical writings of Paracelsus

Astrowizard in 8'53 Taurus R - astrologer 

Skepticus in 8'49 Scorpio - skeptic 

Ashkinazi in 8'07 Scorpio - Ashkenazi Jew  

Menkaure in 7'55 Scorpio - an Egyptian king 

Musa in 8'32 Sagittarius - muse

Lacrimosa in 7'59 Sagittarius - weeping

Karma in 8'57 Virgo - karma

Geometria in 8'42 Virgo - geometry

Photographica in 8'40 Virgo - photography

Ashurbanipal in 8'33 Virgo - an Assyrian king

Fides in 8'26 Pisces R - Roman Goddess of Trust

Bruna in 8'44 Cancer - brown

Raphaela in 7'49 Cancer - Archangel Raphael , Watcher of the East


Saturday, December 5, 2020

Transneptunian Dwarf Planet/Candidates - Evolutionary Intensified Objects

 Transneptunian Dwarf Planet/Candidates - Evolutionary Intensified Objects



According to Philip Sedgwick: Transneptunian dwarf planet/candidates are considered evolutionary intensified objects.

Evolutionary Intensified Objects. Evolutionary suggests that emotional and spiritual crisis induced by the presence and passage of these bodies intends to enhance the insight, inspiration, creativity and consciousness of a person on Earth and through events on Earth containing these bodies in significant locations.



This is my take


I believe that the energy of the transneptunian dwarf planet/candidates involve lessons,experiences that can really make or break you. The hard aspects tend to indicate the possibility of experiencing some type of trauma which may be trying to the spirit but can eventually help you to grow spiritually. What doesn't kill you can make you stronger is something that can be applied to the transneptunian dwarf planet/candidates.

They are highly metaphysical energies that involve insight,inspiration,and creativity that should be used not just for your benefit but for the benefit of many others. These energies are about about going well beyond self and tapping into that mass consciousness. There is a potential to really make a mark on the world and affect people on a grand scale.



Saturn is the planet known as the planet of physical boundaries. All the planets beyond Saturn are referred to as outerplanets, and so they are related to metaphysical energies. Uranus is the planet of liberation from boundaries as it breaks way with its need for independence,and it is associated with innovation and intuitive flashes. Neptune is the planet of dissolution of boundaries as it pierces the veil to reveal another world,and it is associated with imagination,inspiration, and psychism. Pluto is the planet of elimination of boundaries, and is compared to being the other side. This could be death,afterlife,or could be the subterranean depths of the human psyche. It is possible that Pluto's fellow transneptunian dwarf planet/candidates could be similar to Pluto. I believe that Pluto and its fellow transneptunian dwarf planet/candidates can be energies so metaphysical that they can be hard to handle and can manifest as problems on the physical plane.


Their very distant location,their tendency to orbit off the ecliptic as well as some of them with highly elliptical orbits make them objects that are divergent from the planets. Therefore, people with strong transneptunian dwarf planet/candidate energies aka Evolutionary Intensified People can be divergent from the norm. They can be quite the nonconformists. I suspect that these are the same people that can relate to personality types like Indigo,Crystal,Earth Angel,Lightworker too. The same energies could be prominent in people with neurodivergences like Dyslexia,Dyspraxia,ADHD, Autistic Spectrum. The energies could be prominent in people that are schizophrenic,bipolar. The symptoms/traits of neurodivergence overlap with those of schizophrenia,bipolar. Because of the narrow-minded views about the metaphysical and sensitivities by scientific,mental health community, metaphysically oriented types could get misdiagnosed as schizophrenics or bipolars. Evolutonary Intensified People can find it hard to live in a society with mainstream religion and psychiatry.



I believe that Evolutionary Intensified People are people that are ahead of their time which reflects how transneptunians weren't discovered until 1990's except for Pluto in 1930. I think that Pluto's fellow transneptunian dwarf planet/candidates are very complex objects,and so it make sense that they are not easy to understand exactly how they work. That fits perfectly with them being objects that orbit beyond Neptune and being discovered in the 21st Century. They are so recently discovered,and so they aren't understood well. Of course, they are complex and mysterious objects - far more so than Pluto. It would make sense for people strong in the 21st Century objects to be complex,mysterious,and not easy to understand. The transneptunian dwarf planet/candidates as extremely primitive remnants of the solar system could mean that Evolutionary Intensified People are also deeply connected to the past. It said that highly metaphysically oriented people are intuitive,perceptive,and deeply connected to both the past and future that would be in synchronicity with how transneptunian dwarf planet/candidates are very primitive solar system remnants discovered later than the planets. The transneptunian dwarf planet/candidates failed to form as planets. I see that as like how Evolutionary Intensified People don't fit in easily with other people. Their belief in and practice of metaphysical,occult systems can be seen as too primitive by mainstream people that believe in knowledge of science. The transneptunian dwarf planet/candidates are so far away from the Sun, that they are shrouded in darkness. These transneptunian dwarf planet/candidates can be viewed as the shadow,and deep unconscious of a person. Many Evolutionary Intensified People's beliefs in metaphysical,occult systems can be be viewed as being "dark" by people that hold conservative religious beliefs.


Conjunctions,oppositions,squares to transneptunian dwarf planet/candidates and their nodes can indicate very difficult life that can involve significant trauma but opportunity for significant spiritual growth. They have to avoid boundary issues. There can be a very fine line between the mystic,psychic,shaman and the schizophrenic,psychotic with people who have hard transneptunian dwarf planet/candidate.node aspects. It depends on how the person is. Even the soft aspects can be misused.


Parans And Their Connection to Diurnal Rhythms, Parans Shown in Diurnal Arc Charts

Parans And Their Connection To Diurnal Rhythms, Parans Shown in Diurnal Arc Charts

Robert Hand writes about parans and their connection to diurnal rhythms in his book, Essays On Astrology which was published in 1982.

Parans page 65 to 66
The second major datum that went into this hypothesis was my personal encounter with parantellonta, or parans as they are called. These are simultaneous bodily transits of two or more bodies over the horizon or meridian circles of a given place at the same time. However, it must be pointed out that a paran-related pair of planets does not have to be actually on the angles at a given time to be in paran. They merely have to be potentially capable of transiting the angles at that latitude at some time during the day. The fact of the matter is that with the possible except of the Moon, because of its rapid motion in the zodiac, all bodies that are in paran will transit the angles simultaneously somewhere within the twenty-four hours of their being in an exact potential relationship.
Primer of Sidereal Astrology, and in various articles appearing in American Astrology magazine. I was personally given some more data through my good friend, A.H. Blackwell of New York. From my experience with parans, through him and through my own work, it became obvious that they were extremely important and had a significance at least equal to conventional aspects.
A brief digression is in order at this point. Parans are not simply another name for mundane squares, oppositions, and conjunctions. Mundane aspects such as these refer to actual relationships in the mundane sphere at any given moment. Parans are potential relationship that will become actual when the planets transit the angles. At the moment that planets in paran transit the angles, they are in a mundane aspect, but otherwise they are only in a potential mundane aspect.
There are several kinds of paran. Two planets may rise together, meaning that they are conjunct in oblique ascension under the pole of the latitude of the birthplace. Two planets may transit either the upper or lower meridian together, which corresponds to a conjunction in right ascension. Two planets may set together, which corresponds to a conjunction in oblique descension under the pole of latitude. The first three parans I refer to as conjunction parans. Now, also, one planet may rise while another sets, which corresponds to an opposition between the oblique ascension of one body and oblique descension of the other. Or, one body may transit the upper meridian while the other transits the lower meridian, which corresponds to an opposition in right ascension. These two types of parans I refer to as opposition parans. Finally, one body may transit the meridian circle, upper or lower, while another rises or sets. These can be found whenever the right ascension of one body squares the oblique ascension or oblique descension of another. These I refer to as square parans. No other type of paran can be formed. For example, an opposition in oblique descension is not a paran, nor is one in oblique ascension. No can one have a paran when an oblique descension is conjunct an oblique ascension. Squares in right ascension are also not parans. Because there are only four angles to be transited, there are no paran trines or sextiles--only squares and oppositions. Another point: parans may have little resemblance to traditional aspects. Planets in a square paran may be in zodiacal trine! Planets in an opposition paran, usually oblique ascension to oblique descension, may be in a zodiacal quincunx! Paran conjunctions may be several degrees wide in longitude, but exact in oblique ascension, oblique descension or right ascension.
page 68 - 69

We are all familiar with the diurnal rhythms of twenty-four hours. It has been amply demonstrated by scientists that there are all manner of biological clocks that correlate with the diurnal rhythm. Yet we have never given the diurnal rhythm that much attention in astrology except with regard to houses. We have not paid attention to the diurnal rhythm as a dynamic element. We have looked at the movement of the planets through the signs dynamically, that is as cycles. Many of us have extensively studied the work of Dewey and the Foundation for the Study of Cycles, trying to find correlations between those cycles and astronomical cycles But the day cycle has always been looked at statistically, as in houses. However, in this model that I am not presenting, the day cycle is the single most important cycle in that it is the carrier of energies that are modulated by the zodiacal, synodic cycles of the planets.

In the first twenty-four hours after birth, the Sun, Moon, and all of the planets make a complete transit through the mundane sphere of the twelve houses. But they do not do so in phase. Depending upon the house positions of the planets, first one body will cross an angle, then another. Each body goes through in that first twenty-four hours a complete four-peak intensity rhythm in the manner described above as it transits the angles. If in the natal chart, any two planets hit angles simultaneously, there will be a constructive interference pattern between their two diurnal rhythms at that point and a paran exists.

The Hypothesis is this. Each of the natal positions in the horoscope sets off a diurnal rhythm, which has its own unique phase relationship to the diurnal rhythms of the other planets depending on the mundane or house relationship of the bodies to each other. These diurnal rhythms last for the entire lifetime of an individual, much like biorhythms, forming patterns of constructive and destructive interference with the diurnal rhythms of the transiting planets. We are used to the concept of the solar day and sidereal day, but now were are talking about a Uranian day, a Jupiterian day and so forth. At the stage of this inquiry, it is believed that the diurnal rhythms of the natal imprint are all exactly at the same length as the sidereal day correlated with the angular transits of the natal positions of the planets. However, transiting rhythms may vary according to the diurnal rate of the planet’s motion in the zodiac. It is also hypothesized that the natal rhythms should always be related to the birthplace, whereas the transiting rhythms should be related to the place of event. Parans, depending as they do upon the latitude of of the place, are latitude specific; that is a paran will exist one moment at one latitude and not at another.

page 98 -99

It is clear that planets have a fourfold rhythm of intensity. Each planet peaks in influence four times a day as it rises, culminates, sets and makes its lower culmination. Now lets suppose that the two planets are situated such that they will both transit angles simultaneously, possibly the same angle as in simultaneous rising, or different angles, as with one rising while the other sets or culminates. It would seem logical to suppose that if this situation arises, the two planets’ peaking cycles would be at least somewhat coordinated. Might this not link the energies of the two planets in a manner similar to an aspect? For example, if on a certain day Saturn rises with Mars culminating, then the Saturn rising peak will coincide with the Mars culminating peak, causing Mars and Saturn peak of energy to coincide, thus linking Mars and Saturn.

This is not merely a hypothesis. Not only have many modern astrologers checked this out and found that it works, but is in fact one of the most ancient of all astrological traditions. The Babylonians used these angle linkings long before aspects on the ecliptic. One has to remember that Babylonian Astrology was an observational one, and that the horizon and meridian circles (the circle going from north to south over one’s head) are much more easily seen outdoors than the ecliptic. Ptolemy discusses these linkings in the Almagest at great length. Unfortunately, not too much has been stated about these linkings, but there are enough ancient records left to indicate that they were considered to be important. They were called in Greek “parantellonta” in plural and “parantellonton” in singular. Modern astrologers have shortened the term to parans plural and paran singular. They appear to represent a direct and powerful linking of planetary energies, although it is not clear what differences there might be among the various types of parans.

The importance of parans for this discussion is that they take latitude and declination into consideration. The important thing is not that two bodies will conjoin two angles in longitude, but that together they cross the great circles (the horizon and meridian) that define the angles. It is important to note, incidentally, the following fact about parans. The planets in question do not need to be actually on the angles in a chart to be in a paran. They only need to be in such a relationship that, if the earth were rotated until these planets came to the angles, they would both cross the angles together. It has also been demonstrated that paran relationships between natal and transiting bodies--in other words, paran transits--can be important.

Another fact about parans is that they depend upon the latitude of location. The important thing is not that two bodies will conjoin two angles in longitude, but that they cross the great circle of the horizon or meridian. Thus paran transits are affected by changing geographic latitude.
How To Find Parans
The mathematics of finding parans is a bit complicated, involving extensive spherical trig. However, some of the major computer services have added them to their list of options. In particular, Neil Michelsen's Astro Computing Services in San Diego, California, does these calculations. The usual format is to give the sidereal time or the right ascension of the Midheaven at the time each of the bodies would rise, culminate, set and make the lower culmination. Thus there are four S.T.'s or RAMC's per planet. If any one of the four S.T.'s or RAMC's of any planet is conjunct any one of the four S.T.'s or RAMC's of another planet, they are in paran.
Declination, Parallels, and Parans
What is a parallel? We know what it is mathematically, of course, but we are not too clear about why it has significance. It has already been pointed out that declination is not the vertical dimension of longitude. It is the vertical dimension of right ascension. So why do parallels have significance? The answer, I believe, is connected with parans. Because of the geometry of planetary transits over the angles, one cannot say that if Saturn rises while Mars culminates, Saturn will necessarily culminate while Mars sets. In other words, a paran on one pair of angles does not mean that there will be parans on other pairs of angles at the same time. There is an exception to this, however. If two bodies are also in parallel of declination when they are in paran, they will always transit the angles in pairs and be in paran on any pair of angles. Contraparallels also synchronize the rising, culminating, setting, and lower culmination patterns of pairs of planets, but not as perfectly as parallels. I suspect, therefore, that parallels of declination are of the same family of linkage that parans are and are not related to zodiacal aspects at all. Otherwise there is no reasonable explanation for parallels and contra-parallels that I can conceive of. Note that eclipses of the Sun are also parallels and that the Sun conjunct Moon while parallel Moon will transit all angles simultaneously. Thus an eclipse is both a zodiacal and a paran aspect. Maybe this is part of the reason eclipses are so powerful.

Considering what Robert Hand said about parans being linked to diurnal rhythms, I decided to check out parans by looking at the Z-Analogue Diurnal Arc Charts.

I don’t look at the parans that Robert Hand looks at - the ones devised by Oblique Ascension,Oblique Descension,Right Ascension that are in Solar Fire and most other Astrology programs.

I look at parans based on the body motion with true altitude. That is how Bernadette Brady’s Starlight program does parans.

An example is from a paran article at Kate’s Ambient Astrology site:

The above image is a "paran clock;" a tool which allows us to visually experience any paran relationship (mundane square) between two planets. Notice the exact angular relationship (though it looks like a conjunction) between Venus and Pluto - located at the top of the chart @ 10:30am PDT. Venus is culminating, "M" stands for Meridian, while Pluto is rising in the East, "E." Notice in the chart below Venus is culminating, but Pluto is not very angular by ecliptic degree. You can see below how the two-dimensional chart breaks down; it can't capture the actual spatial relationship between planets, it only captures them by zodiacal degree.

In the image below you can see Pluto is clearly on the horizon while Venus is culminating (at the MC). The horizon is the Ascendant, and is what astrologers refer to as the rising sign. Pluto's true relationship to the horizon isn't accurately portrayed in the chart above. Pluto isn't even in the Ascending sign in the chart above, but it is on the horizon.

I think this phenomenon, Pluto on the horizon while Venus culminates, would have been exceptionally important to the ancients, just as stars on angles were. Of course Pluto is invisible to the naked eye so they wouldn't have actually made this specific observation. But a paran can occur between many planets (and planets with fixed stars) and are visual statements that cannot be denied. Today we often miss seeing these truly angular relationships, because we view everything as if it were on the ecliptic (the Sun's path). It's good to jump off the ecliptic once in awhile...

I generated the Z-Analogue Diurnal Arc chart of Kate’s Ambient Astrology paran chart in article which highlights the Venus Culminating, Pluto Rising Square Paran.

There is an exact Venus square Pluto in the chart with Pluto Rising and Venus Culminating in the Z-Analogue Diurnal Arc.

Friday, December 4, 2020

My Future Modern Mesopotamian Astrological System

My Future Modern Mesopotamian Astrological System

Sidereal Zodiac (Fagan-Bradley version)


Zodiac Sign interpretations based on Babylonian Star-lore along with the Mesopotamian names

Multidimensional - Ecliptic longitude, Declination, Parans

Major Aspects - Conjunction, Opposition, Trine, Square, Sextile

Luminaries, Planets, Angles, Dwarf Planets/candidates


Heliocentric Planetary Nodes 

additional and not part of regular reading:

Minor Aspects

Fixed Stars - Ecliptic conjunctions, Right Ascension conjunction,oppositions, and parans only




Geocentric Planetary Nodes

Divergent Astrology (21st Century Multidimensional Astrology) - The Way I Do Astrology

 The Way I do Astrology I have been studying Astrology since end of June of 1998.  My interest in Astrology as a psychological tool was insp...