Sunday, March 6, 2022

Aquarius and its connection to water

 Because the transneptunian dwarf planet candidate and detached object Sedna is strong in my astrological nativity with my having Sun oppose Sedna - 43 min of arc in Right Ascension, Moon sextile Sedna - 2 min of arc in 3D, and Mercury oppose Sedna - 11 min of arc in Galactic Longitude, I am quite interested in Sedna and got a couple of books on Sedna. 

One of the books is The Return of Planet Sedna: Astrology, Healing, and the Awakening of Cosmic by Jennifer T. Gehl.

There was something in that book that bothered me as somebody with significant placements in Sidereal Aquarius (Moon and Mars) as well as Moon in conjunctions to stars in Aquarius in Ecliptic Longitude (theta Ancha and alpha Sadalmelik), Right Ascension (Ancha and gamma Sadalbachia), and Azimuth (Ancha and kappa Situla).

"Many mistakenly think that the waves associated with the sign Aquarius represent water. Although the constellation Aquarius is the water bearer (a man holding a pitcher of water), the waves actually represent cold crisp air currents, or electromagnetic waves. Fixed (focused) air (intellect) represents the ingenuity and innovation to create something new and futuristic. Aquarians are the mental pioneers of the zodiac who seek to revolutionize the status quo. Whether or not Aquarians themselves have two sides to their nature, they do seem to attract two types of friends: those of a more traditional bent, revealing Saturnian influence, and those who wish to reform tradition, revealing Uranian influence.

Aquarians have a powerful intellectual acuity, with the capacity to create something new for themselves and society: a new sense of security based on an innovated social structure that takes into consideration humanitarian ideals. They are the geniuses of the zodiac, possessing ingenuity indicative of those who are ahead of their time."

I strongly disagree with her. 

Aquarius glyph represents water.  There is an ancient Egyptian hieroglyphic with wavy lines that represent water.

In Egyptian Astronomy/Astrology, Aquarius represented, Hapy who was the God of the river Nile. 

In Babylonian Astronomy/Astrology, Aquarius was Gu-la 'The Great One' which represented Ea, the God of Waters and Wisdom.  It's in the Mul.Apin which is a Babylonian compendium that deals with many diverse aspects of Babylonian astronomy and astrology. There are astronomy websites that recognize that the constellation Aquarius represented Ea who dwelled in the Apsu which is the abyss of water beneath the earth.  He was associated with the southern band of constellations  called stars of Ea and the constellation AŠ-IKU, the Field (Square of Pegasus). Capricorn was Sahur-Mas-ku 'The Goat-fish' and was associated with Ea for the goat-fish was one of his symbols. 

Enki (also known as Ea, Enkig, Nudimmud, Ninsiku) was the Sumerian god of wisdom, water, intelligence, trickery and mischief, crafts, magic, exorcism, healing, creation, virility, fertility (especially semen), and art. 

Enki ruled the waters around and below the Earth.

Enki was the keeper of the divine powers called Meh, the gifts of civilization. 

He was in charge of making the lands fertile and civilizing the cities.

On the Adda Seal, Enki is depicted with two streams of water flowing into each of his shoulders: one the Tigris, the other the Euphrates. He has been depicted with overflowing vases in his hands or set around the throne dais. He has also been depicted sitting inside a square that represents the abyss.

Enki was the patron deity of the city Eridu.

The Sumerians associated him with the planet Mercury before the Babylonians associated it with Nabu who was the son of the Supreme Babylonian deity Marduk. 

40 was his sacred number. 

Enki was the son of the sky god Anu in Sumerian and Akkadian mythology. In Babylonian, mythology, was the the son of primordial freshwater god Apsu and primordial saltwalter goddess Tiamat who were the primordial god of freshwater. Apsu's murder by Ea started a war with Tiamat. Ea's son, Marduk killed her.  He also killed Tiamat's general Kingu. Ea proposes the creation of humankind. He and the birth goddess Nintu created humans from Kingu's blood, clay from the earth, and spittle from the other deities.

In  The Akkadian/Babylonian story of The Atrahasis,  Enki advises the good human man Atrahasis to build an ark build an ark and enter it with two of every kind of animal to save himself from the Great Flood by Enlil who was tired of the humans making too much noise.  After the Great Flood wiped out all humans except Atahasis, Enki came up with a proposal that led to creation of more humans but with mortal limitations.

Oannes is not another name for Enki/Ea. It is a Greek form of the Babylonian Uanna, an Apkallu which was a fish-man sent by the gods to impart knowledge to people.

In every story or legend, Enki is associated with the heights and depths of universal understanding and is always seen as a friend of humanity. When given a choice between serving the will of the gods or the needs of the people, Enki always chose human interests and always the path of compassion, forgiveness, and wisdom.

In page 181 of her book, The Heavenly Writing; Divination, Horoscopy, and Astronomy in Mesopotamian Culture, 

Francesca Rochberg makes the point about Ea:

The selection of Ea as the ultimate source for the collections about exorcism, incantations, and celestial divination, is fitting because he was the god associated chiefly with magic and arcana mundi.  He was considered as the creator of humankind, to be the divine figure with special sympathy for human beings, and therefore would be the likely candidate to make messages or warnings available for the benefit of the human race.

Astrologers view Aquarius as intellectual because it's an air sign. 

Modern Western Tropical and Sidereal Astrologers associate Aquarius' traits as being Uranian. Therefore, they think that Uranus ruling Aquarius makes sense.  Of course, the Indian Astrologers and Hellenistic Astrologers view Saturn as the ruler of Aquarius.  

There are Astrologers that think Aquarius'  traits are that of Prometheus in Greek Mythology.

None of them consider that Aquarius' traits are that of Ea/Enki in Mesopotamian Mythology.  Ea/Enki was like a combination of Poseidon/Neptune and Prometheus, and that's how I view placements in Sidereal Aquarius and the conjunctions to the stars in the constellation Aquarius.  

I have books on fixed Stars and constellations written by astrologers Diana Rosenberg, Bernadette Brady, Vivian Robson.

None of the books mentioned the connection between Aquarius and Ea.

The founder of Western Sidereal Astrology, Cyril Fagan didn't even mention the connection in his book Zodiacs Old And New nor in his book Astrological Origins.  

Gavin White discussed the connection between Aquarius and Ea in his book, Babylonian Star-lore which was published in 2011. 

 John H. Rogers discussed the connection between Aquarius and Ea in his article "Origins of the ancient constellations: I. The Mesopotamian traditions" published in Journal of The British Astronomical Association in February 1998.

The free astronomy software Stellarium has an option to show the Babylonian constellations. It shows 'Great One' Gu-la is Ea. 

Astronomy,space, and other sites that acknowledge the connection between Aquarius and Ea.,time%2C%20the%20Aquarius%20constellation%20contained%20the%20winter%20solstice.

Ea, the beneficent god of earth and life, who dwelt in the abyssal waters, was shown with two streams running from his hands or shoulders; he became Aquarius, and his symbols also formed the constellations of Capricornus (Ea's goat-fish, first seen on a seal of Ur just before 2000 BC), the Field (our Square of Pegasus), Piscis Austrinus, and perhaps Pisces (see final section) and Aries (Ea's ram's-head staff).

GU.LA;  NUNki      The Great One, Ea, the star of Eridu [the city], Ea                   Aquarius; Canopus

Aquarius: the winter solstice of 4400-2200 BC was marked by the Water-Pourer, which represented Ea himself from Sumerian times. In the common pictograph (Figures 2, 5, 6), Ea, often standing atop a sacred mountain or ziggurat, was pouring two streams of water from his shoulders or from vases, with fish below. MUL.APIN called the figure Gu.La ('The great one'). In Greek times the figure was unnamed, with a single vase from which poured a substantial stream down to Piscis Austrinus. Aquarius is now the 10th largest constellation. 

I disagree with one thing - In Greek times, the figure was unnamed

The Greeks viewed Aquarius as representing Ganymede the cupbearer of the deities. He was a mortal boy that Zeus took away to Mount Olympus because of his beauty.

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