I have been very interested in the Golden Mean to the point that I did some blog posts on them. I was just browsing on the internet and looking for any kind of information about the Golden Mean. I wanted to find anything that can help me figure out the harmonics of the Golden Aspects that Dr. Theodor Landscheidt introduced. I did a search on numbers in Fibonacci. I came across this site that helped me understand the harmonics behind The Golden Mean Aspect 137°30 as well as the other Golden Aspects that Dr. Landscheidt introduced. Since working with Golden Aspects back in 2008, I know that they share a harmonic because of seeing Golden Aspect Triangles with corresponding midpoint pictures. I even have one. I have Sun, Mars, and Pluto in Golden Aspect with each other with a corresponding midpoint picture of Pluto square Sun/Mars with an orb of 13 minutes of arc.
I noticed a pattern with the list of Fibonacci numbers on this site.
They show a sequence of Fibonacci Harmonic Aspects
The Golden Mean Aspect has Corresponding Fibonacci Harmonic Aspects, and every single one of them have Fibonacci numbers for both numerator and denominator
That was noticed with the Golden Mean as 55/144th Harmonic. 144 is the angle of the Biquintile which is the 2/5 Harmonic Aspect.
The Biquintile is a Fibonacci Harmonic Aspect
2. 1 4. 3 - 1/3 (Trine)
3. 2 5. 5 - 2/5 (Biquintile)
4. 3 6. 8 - 3/8 (Sesquiquadrate)
Johannes Kepler introduced some of the 'minor aspects' used in modern astrology in the 17th century. These include the Quintile (Q - consisting of 72°), the Tredecile (Td -consisting of 108°), the Biquintile (Bq - consisting of 144°), the semi-square (
- consisting of 45°) and the Sesquiquadrate (
- consisting of 135°). Most astrologers regard these new 'minor' aspects as too weak to be of major significance and recognise a danger of putting too much inconsequential detail into the chart which, unless skilfully employed, may detract from the more obvious relevance of the major (traditional) aspects.
In 1606 Kepler wrote to Thomas Harriot, a British astronomer and mathematician, who also studied astrology (and historical evidence suggests believed in astrology and used astrology):
"I am informed that misfortune came to you from astrology. I ask you if you believe that it could be powerful enough to have such power. Ten years ago, I rejected the division into 12 equal signs, the Houses, dominations (i.e. rulerships), triplicities etc. and I am retaining only the aspects (angles) and am transferring astrology to the science of harmonics."
5. 5 7. 13 - 5/13
6. 8 8. 21 - 8/21
7. 13 9. 34 - 13/34
8. 21 10. 55 - 21/55
9. 34 11. 89 - 34/89
10. 55 12. 144 - 55/144
11. 89 13. 233 - 89/233
12. 144 14. 377 - 144/377
13. 233 15. 610 - 233/610
14. 377 16. 987 - 377/987
The Golden Mean Aspect is the following Fibonacci Harmonic Aspects with the orb of the conjunction in the particular harmonic.
5/13 - 12 deg, 34 min
8/21 - 7 deg, 22 min
13/34 - 5 deg, 12 min
21/55 - 2 deg, 9 min
34/89 - 3 deg, 2min
55/144 - 52 min
89/233 - 3 deg, 55 min
144/377 - 4 deg, 48 min
233/610 - 8 deg, 43 min
377/987 - 13 deg, 31 min
proportionate orbs for the following harmonic aspects based on 15 degree orb for conjunction
13th harmonic - 1 deg, 9 min
21st harmonic - 42 min, 36 sec
34th harmonic - 26 min, 24 sec
55th harmonic - 16 min, 12 sec
89th harmonic - 9 min, 36 sec
144th harmonic - 6 min
233rd harmonic - 3 min, 36 sec
377th harmonic - 2 min, 24 sec
610th harmonic - 1 min, 30 sec
987th harmonic - 54 sec (round off to 1 min)
I explored the exact Moon-Uranus Golden Mean (137°30') Aspect that occurred at 2:40 AM on my birthdate October 29, 1971 in my birthplace San Francisco, California.
I was born 40 minutes after the exact Moon-Uranus Golden Mean Aspect occurred, and so I have Moon 137°53' Uranus which is a 13th Harmonic Aspect and 34th Harmonic Aspect like the Golden Mean Aspect is. My Moon-Uranus' primary Harmonic Aspect is 18/47th. It forms a 47th Harmonic Triangle with Saturn.
I have Moon 91°57 which is not just a square with a separating orb of 1 degree, 57 minutes. It is also 12/47th Harmonic Aspect with a separating orb of 2 mins. I have Saturn 130°10 which is a 4/11th harmonic aspect (quadraundecile) with an applying orb of 45 minutes but also a 17/47th Harmonic aspect with an applying orb of 3 minutes.
There is an asteroid named Fibonacci
Both Theodor Landscheidt and I have Mercury-Fibonacci aspects.
In Sidereal Zodiac (Fagan-Bradley)
In Theodor's natal chart:
Fibonacci in 1'20 Scorpio
trine Mercury in 0'56 Pisces
In my natal chart:
Fibonacci in 24'21 Leo
sextile Mercury in 24'00 Libra
I knew about those aspects over 10 years but after I first learned about him and the work that he did with Geocentric Planetary Nodes and Golden Aspects.
Asteroid Astrology is one of my astrological passions. I have been into Asteroid Astrology for over 20 years and have two of Martha-Lang Wescott's Asteroid Astrology books. I got Jacob Schwartz's Asteroid Encyclopedia. Demetra George and Douglas Bloch's book Astrology For Yourself that much stuff on asteroids got me highly interested in Asteroid Astrology. I even check out Asteroid Nodes like Zipporah Dobyns did. I am even an admin of Asteroid Astrology facebook group for over 10 years. I just recently ordered a Solar Fire add-on. I am planning on checking out asteroids with the aspects that Landscheidt came up with.
The Moon-Uranus Golden Mean Aspect
The Moon-Uranus Golden Mean Aspect as Conjunction in 13th Harmonic and its First corresponding Fibonacci Harmonic Aspect
The Moon-Uranus Golden Mean Aspect as Conjunction in 21st Harmonic
The Moon-Uranus Golden Mean Aspect as Conjunction in 34th Harmonic
The Moon-Uranus Golden Mean Aspect as Conjunction in 55th Harmonic Chart
The Moon-Uranus Golden Mean Aspect as Conjunction in 89th Harmonic
The Moon-Uranus Golden Mean Aspect as Conjunction in 144th Harmonic which is its actual harmonic
The Moon-Uranus Golden Mean as Conjunction in 233rd Harmonic
The Moon-Uranus Golden Mean Aspect as Conjunction in 377th Harmonic
The Moon-Uranus Golden Mean Aspect as Conjunction in 610th Harmonic
The Moon-Uranus Golden Mean Aspect as Conjunction in 987th Harmonic which is its last corresponding Fibonacci Harmonic
Theodor Landscheidt's Mercury trine Fibonacci
My Mercury sextile Fibonacci
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