Sunday, February 27, 2022

My Sun in the IAU Constellation and Seleucid Period and Mul.Apin Babylonian Constellations


I was looking at the placement of my Sun in the International Astronomical Union (IAU) constellation and Seleucid Period and Mul.Apin Constellations.

My Sun, Mercury, and Venus are in Scorpio in Tropical Zodiac and in Libra in Sidereal Zodiac.

I have been using the Sidereal Zodiac since reading Gavin White's book Babylonian Star-lore.   Therefore, I view myself as having Libran placements and not Scorpion placements.

Right Ascension (RA) which is Equatorial Longitude

Dec (Declination) which is Equatorial Latitude

My Sun is in Virgo IAU constellation and was in The Scales in both Seleucid Period and Mul.Apin Babylonian constellations with RA of 14h12m10.74s

The first star above the Sun is Kappa Virgo Kang and is in Virgo IAU constellation and was in The Scales in both Seleucid Period and Mul.Apin Babylonian constellations with RA of 14h11m22.78s, and so it is conjunct the Sun within an orb of 4 minutes of Sidereal Time

The second star above the Sun is Iota Virgo Syrma and is in Virgo IAU constellation and was in The Scales in both Seleucid Period and Mul.Apin Babylonian constellations  with RA of 14h12m31.56s, and so it is conjunct the Sun within an orb of 4 minutes of Sidereal Time.

The bright star above the Sun is Alpha Bootes Arcturus (The Abundant One) and is in Bootes IAU constellation and was in The  with RA of 14h14m21.71s, and so it is conjunct the Sun within an orb of 4 minutes of Sidereal Time

The star right next to the Sun is Lamda Virgo Khambaliya and is in Virgo IAU constellation and was in The Scales in both Seleucid Period and Mul.Apin Babylonian constellations with RA of 14h17m34.30s and it is not within an orb of 4 minutes of Sidereal Time

It transited at 12h53m, and the Sun transited at 12h57m, and so they were in a culmination conjunction paran on the day that I was born

Its Dec is -13°14'32.6" and the Sun's Dec is 13°18'16.4s, and so they are in parallel within 10 minutes of arc

Sun and Khambaliya is 18 minutes past the orb of 1 degree for a 3D true body conjunction. 

They're at just half a degree separation in Ecliptic Latitude.

Sun and Khambaliya having a meaningful connection seems likely.

My Mercury is in Libra in IAU and in The Scales in both Seleucid Period and Mul.Apin Babylonian Constellations with RA of 15h02m10.76s

The star above Mercury is Gamma Libra Zubenelhakrabi is in Libra IAU constellation and was in The Scales in both Seleucid Period and Mul.Apin Babylonian constellations with RA of 14h59m27.31s

The star below Mercury is Sigma Libra Brachium and is in Libra IAU constellation and was in The Scales in both Seleucid Period and Mul.Apin Babylonian constellations with RA of 15h02m24.29s

The Venus is in Libra in IAU and in The Scales in both Seleucid Period and Mul.Apin Babylonian Constellations with RA of 15h17m31.61s

The star above Venus is Beta Libra Zubeneschamali and is in Libra IAU constellation and was in The Scales in both Seleucid Period and Mul.Apin Babylonian constellations with RA of 15h15m28.80s

Stellarium notes:


Šala, ear of grain

Šala, ear of grain

The old constellation of the Furrow vanished and left the Maiden (goddess Šala) instead. The stable element is the 'ear of grain' as name for the brightest star (Greek Stachys, Latin Spica).

Šala was the Goddess of Grain.  The ear of grain was her symbol.


Since MUL.APIN identifies the Scales with a part (horns) of the Scorpion this constellation vanished in early Greek astronomy and re-appeared only in early Roman times (Almagest and thereafter). We think, that the earlier versions of the Scales should have been a separate constellation and not part of the Scorpion. That's why, we turned it around 180° because in the Babylonian sky culture Virgo (as Furrow as well as the Maiden Šala) does not need so much space.

SU.PA(The Bright?) = Enlil/Elil who was God of wind, air, earth, and storms. 

He was the supreme Sumerian deity. He was also god of farming.

Libra was also known as Zi-ba-an-na 

The Scales represented the sungod Utu/Shamash in his role as God of Justice.

Shamash was said to have given the laws to King Hammurabi that became known as The Code of Hammurabi which include "An Eye For An Eye", "A Tooth For A Tooth", and "Life For A Life" 

He was depicted as cutting off a man's arm as punishment with a serrated blade. 

Babylonian justice can be quite severe and intense like this God seemed to have been. 

There is a fine line between justice and revenge. 

The scales was sacred to him. 

 Sun would have been favorably placed in The Scales which is contrary to the current view that Sun is unfavorably placed in Libra.

I embrace the original view and dismiss the current one. 

I also don't view Libra as an airsign ruled by Venus which was associated with Inanna/Ishtar, The Goddess of Love, War, and Fertility. 

I view my Sun, Mercury, and Venus as Ultu/Shamash Sun, Mercury, and Venus.

There is a strong possibility that the position of my Sun was in the Scales and not the Furrow/Maiden and then later was put into Virgo constellation.

My Sun happens to be near the end of Virgo. 

The Sun is in the Virgo IAU constellation September 16 - October 31. 

My birthday is October 29th.

I did a post about 1st Nisan 0786 B.C  and showed that Sun and Venus were in their exalted degrees in the Sidereal Zodiac.

During that year, the stars currently in Virgo IAU constellations Syrma and Khambaliya were in Libra.

Syrma was in 8°54' Libra.  Khambaliya was in 12°13' Libra. 

Alpha Virgo star Spica was in 29°07 Virgo. 

"The Ear of Wheat" being in Virgo makes a lot more sense than being in Libra.

Spica is in the Virgo IAU constellation and was in The Maiden in the Seleucid Period Babylonian constellation and The Furrow in the Mul.Apin Babylonian constellation.

Šala was the Goddess of Grain.  The star associated with her would be in Virgo and not in Libra. 

I have dealt with one dogmatic 13 sign Sidereal Astrologer who was really pushy with her views and kept telling me that my Sun is in Virgo and not in Libra even though I don't follow her system and prefer the 12 sign Sidereal Zodiac and viewing my Sun, Mercury, and Venus as being in Libra with the original Mesopotamian symbolism 

She and others disregard that other cultures had constellations arranged differently. This was the case with the Babylonians. 

I believe in keeping a open mind about the stars and constellations.

International Astronomical Union (IAU)  constellations

Seleucid Period Babylonian Constellations

Mul.Apin Babylonian constellations

My Solar Alignments in Right Ascension

 These are my Solar Alignments in Right Ascension along with their corresponding Paran alignments 

I used Capricorn's Prometheus Astrology program.

I love it for the Star Globe which I can use to see objects from multiple perspectives and can rotate the globe.

The alignment options include horizon, equator, ecliptic

it has shows the local horizon/grid, ecliptic/grid, equator/grid, zodiac band

My only issue with the program is that it has no ability to add more minor planets.

Yeah....I wanted to approach Astrology multi-dimensionally and Prometheus is definitely way to do that. It makes Astrology more fun for me. It helps me appreciate the sky in all of its dimensions.

Right Ascension alignments of

Sun                                                                 14:12:10

conjunct Kappa-2 Bootes Assellus Tertius     14:12:29

conjunct Alpha Bootes Arcturus                     14:14:30

conjunct Iota Virgo Syrma                              14:14:32

conjunct Iota Bootes Assellus Secondus       14:15:11

conjunct Quaoar                                            14:05:09

oppose Sedna                                                 2:15:04

Paran alignments of 

Sun                                                                 On the MC               12:53:26

conjunct Kappa-2 Bootes Assellus Tertius     On the MC                12:52:12

conjunct Alpha Bootes Arcturus                     On the MC                 12:54:05

conjunct Iota Virgo Syrma                              On the MC                 12:54:15

conjunct Iota Bootes Assellus Secondus        On the MC                12:54:53

conjunct Quaoar                                             On the MC                 12:44:55

oppose Sedna                                                On the IC                  12:54:46

Paran alignment of 

Sun                                                                  On the IC                 00:53:28

conjunct Kappa-2 Bootes Assellus Tertius      On the IC                  00:54:10

conjunct Alpha Bootes Arcturus                       On the IC                 00:56:03

conjunct Iota Virgo Syrma                                On the IC                 00:56:13

conjunct Iota Bootes Assellus Secondus         On the IC                  00:56:51

conjunct Quaoar                                              On the IC                  00:46:50

oppose Sedna                                                 On the MC                00:56:45

Right Ascension positions changes throughout the day

The Parans stay exactly the same throughout the day for the specific location,

Along with the aforementioned alignments, I was born with Sun aligned with the Eris Nodes

Sun                                                         10°59 Libra

conjunct Geocentric South Eris Node     11°14 Libra

oppose Geocentric North Eris Node       11°13 Aries

Both the Solar-star alignments and Solar-Eris Node alignments are simultaneous annual events that happen around my birthday October 29th.

Thursday, February 24, 2022

The Use of Right Ascension in Astrology


Many astrologers ignore Right Ascension. Many astrologers that use Declination ignore Right Ascension like the Magi Astrologers who are big on Declination for instance.  Most astrologers that look at star parans and most astrologers that look at ecliptic star conjunctions ignore Right Ascension. 

I don't know why.  After all, astronomers use the Right Ascension and Declination to locate and track celestial objects. They're the Equatorial Longitudinal and Latitudinal coordinates.  Conjunctions and oppositions don't just occur in Ecliptic Longitude. They also occur in Right Ascension, and they are observed by astronomers.

right ascension: angular distance on the celestial sphere measured eastward along the celestial equator from the equinox to the hour circle passing through the celestial object. Right ascension is usually given in combination with declination.

declination: angular distance on the celestial sphere north or south of the celestial equator. It is measured along the hour circle passing through the celestial object. Declination is usually given in combination with right ascension or hour angle.

conjunction: the phenomenon in which two bodies have the same apparent ecliptic longitude or right ascension as viewed from a third body. Conjunctions are usually tabulated as geocentric phenomena. For Mercury and Venus, geocentric inferior conjunctions occur when the planet is between the Earth and Sun, and superior conjunctions occur when the Sun is between the planet and Earth. 

opposition: the phenomenon whereby two bodies have apparent ecliptic longitudes or right ascensions that differ by 180° as viewed by a third body. Oppositions are usually tabulated as geocentric phenomena.


Right Ascension versus Declination

It's not just astronomers that look at Right Ascension.

L. Edwards Johndro looked at star conjunctions in Right Ascension, and that's evident in his 1929 book, The Stars: How And Where They Influence. He referred to them as mundo conjunctions.  He also looked at star conjunctions in Ecliptic.

George C. Noonan went over Right Ascension star conjunctions in his 1990 book, Fixed Stars & Judicial Astrology. He also worked with rising, culminating, and setting star conjunction parans.  He didn't go over star conjunctions in Ecliptic Longitude.

Kenneth Bowser looks at Right Ascension conjunctions/oppositions and parans and refers to them as mundane aspects or aspects in mundo.  He also doesn't consider them with just stars. He considers Right Ascension conjunctions/oppositions and parans between planets. He discusses them in his books, Introduction to Western Sidereal Astrology and The Western Sidereal Astrology Interpretation Workbook. He's another astrologer that is not into star conjunctions in Eliptic Longitude.

He also discusses  in youtube video.

Robert Hand also works with Right Ascension and parans, and he discusses them in his 1982 book, Essays On Astrology. 

If I had gotten Robert Hand's book a lot earlier, I would've been working with Right Ascension and parans much earlier than 2009. His book Horoscope Symbols has influenced me in regards to using relatively small aspect orbs in Astrology back in 2003. I also found his working with precessed transits and very interesting.

I ultimately converted to the Sidereal Zodiac from the Tropical Zodiac after reading Gavin White's book Babylonian Star-lore over six years ago. Even before then I briefly converted to Sidereal Zodiac after reading Cyril Fagan's books in 2012.

Right Ascension conjunctions, oppositions are no less mundane aspects as the aspects in Prime Vertical Chart also known as the Mundoscope that are looked at by many Western Sidereal Astrologers who follow Cyril Fagan. 

"3-Dimensional Chart Calculator

Now you can finally see your astrology chart undistorted by flat 2-D displays. StarWise 3-D astrology lets you understand yourself and your life much better than all other methods. One flat chart falsely shows your true planet positions--just like flat maps do to our 3-D earth's true shape. Our 3-D astrology accurately shows the true 3-D layout of your planets in your chart (forecast, etc.) as they really are in our actual 3-D universe--not squashed into some misleading, incorrect shape.

The only way to see the true 3-D layout of your planets is to view your chart (...etc.) from two key perspectives (ecliptic + right ascension). As any scientist or engineer knows, this is the same correct way 3-D objects are always shown--using two or more views like top/front/side. The only better way would be a holographic display--yet to be invented.

You may have seen your chart (forecast...) from the standard single viewpoint--ecliptic. Now this new and exciting second viewpoint--right ascension--finally reveals all of who you really are. Both viewpoints are correct, just like front/top/side views of any 3-D object. The combined meaning of both views of your chart (forecast, etc.) reveals all of you, total reality versus just half the picture.

3- astrology looks at your life with both eyes open, not half-blind like the "one-eye closed" (ecliptic) approach currently in use everywhere else. 3-D astrology offers you the best insight and knowledge possible about yourself and life. You can use this new, more accurate information to make better decisions and thus grow more successful and happy."

Philip Sedgwick points out the inconsistency and mixing apples and oranges when it comes to the use of Declination with Ecliptic Longitude and that Declination should be used with Right Ascension:

"Another flaw in astrological thinking quickly emerges. Astrologers often use declination when defining the north/south range of an object relative to its longitudinal or zodiacal position. This is like mixing apples and oranges, since the reference planes are not the same.

Longitude, more commonly the degree of the zodiac - measured from the Vernal Equinox eastward relative to the ecliptic - goes hand in hand with latitude, which bears the same circle of reference. Latitude refers to north/south range in degrees from the ecliptic to the object as measured along the circle of celestial latitude through which it passes.

Right Ascension, the position of an object in either degrees or hours, measures from the Vernal Equinox in the easterly direction, referenced to the celestial equator. Declination defines the range of a body in degrees north or south from the celestial equator as measured along the hour circle through which it passes.

Using declination with longitude combines reference planes offset from one another by an average angle of 23 degrees and 27 minutes."

Philip Sedgwick is one of my favorite astrologers because he works with the transneptunian objects which I have been very interested since 2001. Zane Stein, Mark Andrew Holmes, and Jonathan Dunn have strongly influenced me in the early 2000s before Philip Sedgwick did. I got Philip Sedgwick's got his Galactic Trilogy DVD (Sun At The Center, Soul of The Sky, Astronomy For Astrologers) back in 2007. I got his Galastro add-on for Solar Fire.  I have two of his books The Astrology of Transcendence and The Astrology of Deep Space. 

He did a Heliocentric Astrology consultation with me back in November 2011.

He's one of my favorite astrologers. 

The astrologers that ultimately interest me are the those that consider things that most astrologers don't consider.  . 

They're things that fit in with Divergent Astrology.

Clairvision Astrology notes the following:

"Right ascension charts – what they mean

How does the meaning of a right ascension chart differ from a normal chart?

To answer this question, some say that the celestial equator is a more 'earthy' reference than the ecliptic. This makes sense, for the celestial equator is the projection of the earth's equator on the celestial sphere, while the ecliptic is the path of the Sun.

Consequently, they regard the right ascension chart as an indication of how a person manifests the potentialities of their 'normal' (longitude-based) chart into their life. From this perspective, the 'normal' chart shows potentialities; the right ascension chart shows how these potentialities are likely to manifest in real life. Hence the motto: right ascension chart – manifestation chart.

For instance, if an aspect or a cluster of planets is really critical in a person's chart, you may want to look at their right ascension chart to see if the aspect is also present, and if it is any different.

In astrological readings, it is not rare to see people who are not like their chart! For instance, one sees charts with beautiful potentialities which are not translated into the reality of the person's life. The right ascension chart may give clues as to why and how, and also clues as to how to manifest what is in the chart.

From these indications, you may also deduct that the right ascension charts of solar returns may be quite interesting, since when doing predictions you are precisely trying to determine how influences will manifest in real life."

Astrologer Dwight Ennis wrote an article about coordinates, and he made the following remark at the end of the article:

"While we, as astrologers, use Celestial Longitude divided into the Zodiac to define horizontal coordinates, astronomers generally use Right Ascension. As with Celestial Latitude, measurement begins with 0° corresponding to the point of the Vernal Equinox. However, where Celestial Latitude measures counter-clockwise, Right Ascension measures clockwise from this point, with the measurement being expressed either in degrees, minutes, and seconds of arc, or in hours, minutes, and seconds of time. In any event, it is still a system which used the Earth as its center of reference. Why that's logical and okay for astronomical measurement, but irrational and not okay for astrological measurement is beyond me!"

Why Right Ascension is logical and okay for astronomical measure but irrational and not okay for astrological measurement is also beyond me! 

There are free software that calculate Right Ascension positions

Riyal Calculation Software

Stellarium Astronomy Software

You can clearly see that there is an alignment of  Moon, theta Aquarius star Ancha, gamma Aquarius star Sadachbia, and The Atoms For Peace Galaxy in the constellation of Aquarius (Gu-la 'The Great One' representing Ea/Enki the Mesopotamian God of Waters and Wisdom) when I was born. 

The alignments in Right Ascension are actually mundane conjunctions. 

Right Ascension Positions 

Moon - 22h17m37.9s of Sidereal Time

Ancha - 22h15m21.69s of Sidereal Time

Sadachbia - 22h20m12.75s of Sidereal Time

Atoms For Peace Galaxy - 22h19m11.76s of Sidereal Time

Transit Time aka Culmination

Moon - 20h58m aka 8:58 PM

Ancha - 20h56m aka 8:56 PM

Sadachbia - 21h00m aka 9:00 PM

Atoms For Peace Galaxy - 20h59m aka 8:59 PM

They transit the Meridian together within 4 minutes of clock time,  and so they are in a paran. 

Objects that align in Right Ascension transit together.  They culminate together and anti-culminate together. 

Objects that align in Right Ascension actually have a visual connection.

In Sidereal Zodiac w Fagan-Bradley ayamansha

My Moon in 8'49 Aquarius does not have that visual connection with alpha Piscis Austrinus star Fomalhaut in 9'07 Aquarius nor alpha Aquarius star Sadalmelk in 9'01 Aquarius even though they are in alignment in Ecliptic Longitude. My Moon does have a visual connection with theta Aquarius star Ancha in 8'31 Aquarius for they are in true 3D body conjunction with 49 minutes of arc. I was born during a near Moon-Ancha occultation. 

Wednesday, February 23, 2022

People that have Sedna conjunctions, oppositions with Personal Planets, Points in Right Ascension


Because I have Sun oppose Sedna with 43 minutes of arc in Right Ascension (Equatorial Longitude),   I have been interested in Sedna conjunctions, oppositions with personal planets, points in Right Ascension. 

I view conjunctions, oppositions in Right Ascension as a form of mundane aspects like Western Sidereal Astrologer Kenneth Bowser does. 

<===  SEDNA: Unconscious Depths, Otherworldly  ===>
Sedna ( 2003 VB12 / 90377 ) is about the deepest levels of our personal psyche and how they operate. When these levels are transformed then extremely intense mystical spiritual connections can be established. There is a deep connection here with other realms. However, when these levels are not faced and transformed they can be horrendous.
Much Sedna energy (especially for men) wallows in the depths of depravity of which the human psyche is capable. One path to transcend the quicksand of Sedna is through humor and comedy which gives you the objectivity to step back from the edge.

KEY CONCEPTS - Sedna ( 2003 VB12 / 90377 )
Gifts that turn sinisterSpiritualist Medium – hearing voices in your head
Pleasure/Pain principle and how it affects animal and human behavior
To deal with that which is not of this worldTo deal with Spirits of the dead
Getting sucked into another worldLiving in the darkness within
Dealing with the bad guys acting out the demons withinTragedy
Crime and dealing with crimeNeed for a refuge -- Being or becoming a recluse
Victims Women and Men who have men abuse and betray them
May deal with issues or life with alcohol, potential alcoholism
Being able to rise above the worst situations and find humor in them and celebrate life this can bring an amazingly beautiful and bright light
Stepping back out of situations to see how ridiculous we are with all our issues and distresses
Emotional truth
Authenticity is achieved by drawing on inner reality to expose deep emotional experience.

All conjunctions, oppositions are within 1 degree of arc in Right Ascension. 


Michael Moore - 48 minutes

Richard Branson - 37 minutes

Robert Downey Jr - 24 minutes

Marjoe Gortner - 27 minutes

Alex Haley - 17 minutes

Jack Nicholson - exact

David O. Selznick - 59 minutes

MIDHEAVEN OPPOSE SEDNA (On the Lower Meridian)

Henry Ninio - 28 minutes

John Belushi - 8 minutes

Bob Geldof - 57 minutes

Jimi Hendrix - 18 minutes

Eleanor Roosevelt - 20 minutes

Edmund Gosse - 21 minutes

Peter Phillips - 27 minutes


Hugh Hefner - 2 minutes

Mike Barson - 5 minutes

Billie Holliday - 28 minutes

Gregory Peck - 36 minutes

Omar Sharif - 37 minutes

Kian Egan - 32 minutes

Stephanie Mallarme - 54 minutes

Edmond Jouhaud - 43 minutes

Victor Emmanuel II of Italy - 44 minutes


Earl Thomas Conley - 53 minutes

Divine - 6 minutes

Evel Knievel - 25 minutes

Margaret Thatcher - 21 minutes


Paul Blazey - 32 minutes

Rosaleen Norton - 29 minutes

Schapelle Colby - 5 minutes

Debby Boone - 17 minutes

Matt Dillon - 41 minutes

Michael J. Fox - 51 minutes

Joe Pesci - 37 minutes

George VanTessel - 53 minutes

Yaser Esam Hamdi - 56 minutes


Henri Toulouse-Loutrec - 10 minutes

Ted Noffs - 11 minutes

Morris Iemma - 23 minutes

Michael Caine - 52 minutes

Wilt Chamberlain - 2 minutes

Heinrich Shutz - 23 minutes

Bertrand Russell - 34 minutes

Gary Barlow - 48 minutes

Priscilla McLean - 32 minutes

Edward VII of the UK - 18 minutes

Georges Louis Duvernoy - 40 minutes

Warner Heisenberg - 50 minutes


Honore Doumier - 15 minutes

Edgar P Jacobs - 17 minutes

Rosa Praed - 5 minutes

Jennifer Gibbons - 6 minutes

June Gibbons - 7 minutes

Reginald Sheppard - 48 minutes

Vincent Scotto - 14 minutes

Lorraine Nicholson - 6 minutes

Billy Bean - 34 minutes


Louis H Sullivan - 45 minutes

Meg Lees - 5 minutes

Olivia Newton-John - 43 minutes

Paul Hogan - 57 minutes

Ian McShane - 24 minutes

Tim Robbins - 41 minutes

Lynndie England - 49 minutes

Peter Finch - 47 minutes

Danilo Kis - 42 minutes

David Cameron - 9 minutes

Theodor W Adorno - 12 minutes


Michael Lavarch - 49 minutes

Ross Gregory - 43 minutes

Sir Robert Helpmann - 18 minutes

Chaka Khan - 10 minutes  Venus Stationary

Jimmy Swaggart - 26 minutes

Audrey Hepburn - 58 minutes

Derek Longmuir - 19 minutes

Sarah Jane Morris - 14 minutes

Jack Nicholson - 27 minutes

Ernest Renan - 39 minutes

Edna St. Vincent Millay - 55 minutes

Priscilla McLean - 43 minutes

Francis Galton - exact  Venus stationary


Titus Salt - 48 minutes

Grand Duchess Olga - 48 minutes

Ian Fairweather - 17 minutes

Bob Gregory - 7 minutes

Sir James Hardy - 51 minutes

Michael Crichton - exact

Paul Joseph Goebbels - 30 minutes

Joseph McCarthy - 30 minutes

Freddie Mercury - 39 minutes

Cherrie Moraga - 58 minutes

Charles Bronson - 12 minutes

Kristy McNichol - 34 minutes


Rick Castro - 36 minutes

Malcolm Fraser - 1 minute

Prince Christian - 3 minutes

Hermann Goering - 32 minutes

Harvey Milk - 32 minutes

Ian Shaw - 56 minutes

Orson Welles - 31 minutes

Charles Fourier - 45 minutes

Walter Johannes Stein - 41 minutes

Anne of Great Britain - 57 minutes

Havelock Ellis - 9 minutes

Billy Bean - 10 minutes

John Manuel Fangio - 58 minutes

Rick Castro - 36 minutes


Thomas Shopcott - 54 minutes

Diahann Caroll - 48 minutes

Kurt Cobain - 52 minutes

Michael Crichton - 22 minutes

Weird Al Yankovic - 37 minutes

Julio Bocca - 22 minutes

Georges Bataille - 29 minutes

Ouida - 40 minutes

Marilyn Manson - 8 minutes

Virginia Mae Brown - 36 minutes

King James I of England - 44 minutes

Georges Cuvier - 56 minutes

John Barrowman -18 minutes

Wednesday, February 16, 2022

The Orb of the Golden Mean Aspect based on it Being 144th Harmonic Aspect

 I did a previous a post about the Golden Aspects. I pointed out that The Golden Mean Aspect is a 144th Harmonic Aspect.

I checked out Harmonics of the Golden Mean Aspect with the use of the Harmonic Grid in David Cochrane's Sirius astrology program.

I checked out the Harmonic Charts with the use of Solar Fire astrology program.

My findings

based off 

my birthdate and birthplace

October 29, 1971 

 in San Francisco, CA

Moon 137°30 Uranus at 2:40 AM

exact - 55/144 (The Golden Mean), 76/199, 131/343

144th Harmonic - 0°52' applying conjunction

199th Harmonic - 1°17' separating conjunction

131st Harmonic - 11°41' separating conjunction

0°01' - 89/233, 97/254, 118/309, 123/322

233rd Harmonic - 3°55' applying conjunction

254th Harmonic - 3°26' separating conjunction

309th Harmonic -3°55' separating conjunction

322nd Harmonic - 6°57' applying conjunction

 0°02'- 21/55, 34/89

55th Harmonic -2°09' separating conjunction

89th Harmonic - 3°02' applying conjunction

0°03' - 81/212

212th Harmonic - 11°17' applying conjunction

0°04' - 47/123

212th Harmonic - 11°17' applying conjunction

0°08' - 29/76

76th Harmonic - 9°32' separating conjunction

0°09' - 13/34

34th Harmonic - 5°12' applying conjunction

0°21' - 8/21

21st Harmonic - 7°22' applying conjunction

My Moon 137°53' Uranus at 3:20 AM (my birthtime)

exact - 131/342

342nd Harmonic -  2°40' applying conjunction

0°01' - 18/47, 77/201, 95/248

47th Harmonic -  0°41' separating conjunction

201st Harmonic - 4°44' applying conjunction

248th Harmonic - 4°03' applying conjunction

0°02' - 59/154, 136/355

154th Harmonic - 5°25' applying conjunction

355th Harmonic - 10°09' applying conjunction

 0°03'- 41/107, 100/261, 103/269

107th Harmonic - 6°06' applying conjunction

261st Harmonic - 11°'31' applying conjunction

0°04' - 49/128, 67/175

128th Harmonic - 9°31' separating conjunction

175th Harmonic - 10°12' separating conjunction

0°07' - 23/60, 31/81

60th Harmonic - 6°47' applying  conjunction

81st Harmonic - 8°50 separating conjunction

0°14'- 13/34

34th Harmonic - 8'09' separating conjunction

0°34'- 5/13

13th Harmonic- 7°28' applying conjunction


130°30 (The Golden Mean) is the 55/144 aspect which is 0°52 applying conjunction in 144th Harmonic, and that is the conjunction with the narrowest orb. 144 is the angle of the biquintile which is 2/5.  The biquintile is a 5th harmonic aspect. 

My Moon 130°53 Uranus is not in a 55/144 aspect, and so it's not a Golden Mean Aspect. 

The only aspect that both 130°30' and 130°53'  are is 13/34 aspect

130°30 is a conjunction with an orb of 5°12' applying in 34th Harmonic

130°53 is conjunction with an orb of 8°09' separating in 34th Harmonic

The closest aspect to 130°53' is 131/342 which is 2°40 applying conjunction in 342nd Harmonic.

The aspect with the narrowest orb conjunction for the 130°53'  in the particular harmonic is the 18/47 Aspect which  is 0°41 separating conjunction in the 47th Harmonic.

130°53 is also a 5/13 aspect which is of a much lower harmonic than all the other aspects listed.  The 13th Harmonic was discussed in John Addey's Harmonic Astrology book. 

2:31 AM - 137°24 is  13°36' applying conjunction in 144th Harmonic

2:40 AM - 137°30 (The Golden Mean) 0°52' applying conjunction in 144th Harmonic

2:49 AM - 137°34 (4 minutes separating) 11°50' separating conjunction in 144th Harmonic

The higher the harmonic, the narrower the orb.  

Harmonic Astrologers use orbs by proportion.

In the case of the 144th Harmonic

1/144 = 0.0069444444444444 which can be rounded off to 0.01

Using  12°00' as a conjunction

12 x .01 = 0.12  which is 0°07'12'' 

I'd use an orb of 0°07 for the Golden Mean Aspect.

Actor, Comedian Steve Martin is one of the people that I found that has Moon Golden Mean Uranus with the recommended orb.

He has it with an applying orb of 0°05.

Tuesday, February 15, 2022

Theodor Landscheidt, Golden Aspects, Geocentric Planetary Nodes, and Harmonics


I have been interested in the Golden Mean in Astrology since reading about them in Dr. Theodor Landscheidt's articles back in 2008.  I noticed that he made remarks about planets in Golden Aspect to Geocentric Planetary Nodes in the char t of JFK and Adolf Hitler. He mentioned some Golden Aspects and one of them was 85 degrees. David Cochrane identified 84.58°as the Golden Mean of the Golden Mean Aspect. Dr. Landscheidt was the pioneer of the use of Geocentric Planetary Nodes which have been used in Evolutionary Astrology. 

In his article The Golden Section: A Cosmic Principle, Dr. Landscheidt discussed his devising golden aspects.  

"The golden section divisions within cycles formed by the rotating earth may be considered a set of astrological aspects. The complete set emerges when we superimpose the two schematic diagrams in Figures 19 and 23, related to minor and major of the golden section, and compare all of those angles we find on the right and on the left of the origin 0°. Imagine that you are standing at the rising point R, or 0°, of the diurnal circle and are looking over to the setting point at 180°. Then the superimposed golden section divisions on your right form the set 21.25°, 42.49°, 47.51°, 68.75°, 111.25°, 132.49°, 137.51° and 158.75°. The angles 338.75°, 317.51°, 312.49° and so forth, on your left repeat the set on your right when subtracted from 360°. If we extend the fractal beyond the semicircle and include the quarter circle, the golden section operation generates the additional angles 34.38°, 55.62°, 124.38° and 145.62°. It is not an arbitrary procedure to divide cycles in halves and quarters. Observation shows that spectral peaks can appear at twice and four times the driving frequency, or at half or a quarter of it (Burroughs, 1992). Statistical tests indicate that the twelve golden aspects in the complete set are reliable."

137.51° was singled out by David Cochrane as the Golden Mean Aspect. He said that it indicates that the two planets work together in a way that feels natural and instinctive. He also said that the energies of the Golden Mean Aspect are so instinctive and natural that they are often taken for granted by the person. 

 68.75° is the aspect that is half of the Golden Mean.   137.51° divided by 2 is actually 68.755°. I don't know why Dr. Landscheidt didn't round up to 68.76°. 

34.38° is the aspect that is one quarter of the Golden Mean. 137.51 divided by 4 is    34.3775° which Dr. Landscheidt rounded up to the given number.

I  did some investigation on these aspects as you could see here. I offered my fellow Lindaland members to look at their Golden Aspects and asked them to give me feedback. They were nice to participate in my investigations into these Golden Aspects.  

I posted under the name Glaucus. In 2000, I started using the internet nickname Glaucus named after minor Greek seagod because it fit with my highly Neptunian astrological nativity.  I have Moon square Neptune (made me able to identify with having Moon in Pisces even though I have Moon in Aquarius in Sidereal Zodiac), Mercury parallel Neptune, Venus parallel Neptune, Saturn oppose/contraparallel Neptune as well as Mercury conjunct Sun/Neptune midpoint (Sun, Mercury, Neptune are in Grand Trine in 9th Harmonic) and Moon oppose Saturn/Neptune midpoint (T-Square of Moon square Saturn-Neptune opposition).

using a maximum orb of 1 degree

My Golden Aspects

Midheaven 124.38° Uranus - '19 
Ascendant 68.75° Venus - '24 (Half of Golden Mean Aspect)
Ascendant 84.58° Jupiter - '04 (a Golden Mean of Golden Mean Aspect)
Sun 111.25° Mars - '41
Sun 34.38° Pluto - '06 (Quarter of Golden Mean Aspect)
Moon 84.58° Jupiter - '04 (Golden Mean of Golden Mean Aspect)
Moon 137.51° Uranus - '22 (Golden Mean Aspect)
Mercury 47.51° Pluto - '01 
Mars 145.62° Pluto - '34
Mars 84.58° Neptune - '52 (a Golden Mean of Golden Mean Aspect)

Sun, Mars, and Pluto actually form a triangle with corresponding midpoint picture of
Pluto square Sun/Mars - '12 

I have been into midpoints for years before I learned of Theodor Landscheidt's work. I have been very interested in the Highly Geometrical systems  Magi Astrology, Cosmobiology, and Uranian Astrology. I have books on all three systems. 

When you see my Pluto square Sun/Mars midpoint, you can understand why I was able to identify with being Sun in Scorpio even though I have Sun in Libra in the Sidereal Zodiac. 
I also have Sun conjunct Jupiter/Pluto - '46 and Sun square Pluto/Midheaven - '42.
Theodor Landscheidt discussed Jupiter/Pluto midpoint in his book, Cosmic Cybernetics. Interestingly, I was born when the Geocentric North Jupiter Node and Geocentric North Pluto were closely conjunct and trine my Venus which may factor in my being able to identify with Venus in Scorpio even though I have Venus in Sidereal Libra.  

In regards to Geocentric Planetary Nodes that Theodor Landscheidt advocated the use of
Using the Sidereal Zodiac which has been my zodiacal preference for over six years.
I am just going to list the major aspects and semisquare and sesquiquadrate that involve personal planets, points, and lunar nodes.  

Midheaven in Taurus
oppose North Uranus Node in Scorpio - '50 goes with my Midheaven-Uranus Golden Aspect

Sun in Libra
conjunct South Eris Node in Libra - '14
oppose North Eris Node in Aries - '15

Moon in Aquarius
semisquare South Saturn Node in Sagittarius - '10 
semisquare South Pluto Node in Sagittarius - '07

Mercury in Libra
sextile North Venus Node in Leo - '33 
sextile  South Saturn Node in Sagittarius - '20
sextile South Pluto Node in Sagittarius - '02  

Venus in Libra
trine North Jupiter Node in Gemini - '53
trine North Pluto Node in Gemini - '30

Lunar Nodes in Capricorn/Cancer
oppose/conjunct South Neptune Node - '53

I became so interested in Dr. Theodor Landscheidt's work that I got his two books,  

Cosmic Cybernetics: The Foundations of a Modern Astrology
Sun-Earth-Man  a Mesh of Cosmic Oscillations  How Planets Regulate Solar Eruptions, Geomagnetic Storms, Conditions of Life, and Economic Cycles

On the back of his book, it says:
Dr. Theodor Landscheidt, Director of the Schroeter Institute for Research in Cycles of Solar Activity, is a modern Kepler, a rare combination of scientist and mystic who is equally at home in pure research and in Pythagorean speculation. He recently retired from his post as a West German High Court judge in order to continue his research on a full-time basis.

In his book
Cosmic Cybernetics: The Foundations of Modern Astrology

page 62.

A detailed statistical evaluation of the available data on solar activity, the results of which were checked on by means of forecasts, draws the following picture of the effective planetary distances corresponding to the basic or harmonic vibrations of the gravitational waves:

22° '30' 
2° 48'45" 
1° 24'22.5" 

I know that Cosmobiologists use 45° series aspects, and I know that Uranian Astrologers use even  22° '30' and 11°15' series of aspects.

In her Node Book,  Zipporah Dobyns including other aspects besides the major aspects with the Geocentric Planetary and Asteroid Nodes.  
She included 7 1/2 degree series of aspects.  She said that John Nelson and Dr. Theodor Landscheidt used all multiples of 7 1/2 degrees in their predictive work, and both claim accuracy of 90 percent or better.

While looking at my 15 year old astrological post about my take on wide orb aspects and harmonics, I noticed something. 

I typed the following:

I am also looking into harmonics in regards to neurodivergent
conditions...especially the 7th and the master number harmonics as well
as 5th harmonic aspects involving outer planets...looking at Mercury
and Uranus too......Dyslexia has to do with multidimensional thinking.
I am neurodivergent myself with Dyslexia and Dyspraxia.
I do have Mercury in 11th harmonic pattern
I have Mercury biquintile Eris with 6 minutes of arc
I have Sun conj Mercury in 83rd harmonic chart with 39 minutes of arc
I have Uranus conj Midheaven in 29th harmonic chart with 2'12 orb
I have Moon conj Uranus in 47th harmonic chart with '41 orb
I have Uranus conj IC in 74th harmonic chart with '35 orb

I realized that my Moon Golden Mean Uranus was a conjunction with a separating orb of 41 minutes of arc in the 47th Harmonic. 

Therefore, the Golden Mean has a connection to the 47th Harmonic.
Reducing 47.....4+7 = 11 which is a master number in Numerology. 

4 - Strong, Traditional, Practical, Hard worker, Loyal
Organized, Strict, Patient, Dependable
7 - Perceptive, Intellectual, Mysterious, Spiritual, Reserved, Skeptical, Solitary, Introspective, Analytical
11 - Enlightened, receptive, charismatic
2 - Tactful, Sensitive, Influential, Cooperative, Inclusive, Intuitive, Supportive, Empathetic, Protective
include also the 1's in 11
1 - Independent, Ambitious, Proactive, Pioneering, Innovative, Self-centered, Uninhibited, Reckless, Motivated, Freedom-loving

Golden Mean Aspect is not that cut and dry

I did more investigation to see if other harmonics were connected.  

I kept in mind that my Moon Golden Mean Uranus has a separating orb of 22 minutes of arc.

I went back in time on my birthdate October 29, 1971 to check out Moon Golden Mean Uranus exact and 22 minutes applying

Exact Moon Golden Mean Uranus at 2:40 AM is a conjunction in 144th Harmonic with an applying orb of 52 minutes of arc.

144 is the Biquintile which is a 5th Harmonic aspect like the Quintile which is 72 degrees. Both are some of the minor aspects that were devised by the astronomer/astrologer Johannes Kepler.

I found out about this youtube video the day after I found out about the Golden Ratio aspect in connection to the harmonics. 

Golden Angle 137.5 | Number 144 (works when the golden angle is rounded to 137.5)

1 - Independent, Ambitious, Proactive, Pioneering, Innovative, Self-centered, Uninhibited, Reckless, Motivated, Freedom-loving
4 - Strong, Traditional, Practical, Hard worker, Loyal, Organized, Strict, Patient, Dependable
9 - Kind, Wise, Experienced, Spiritual, Sacrificial, Compassionate, Accepting, Humanitarian, Aware

Moon Golden Mean Uranus with an applying orb of 22 at 2:03 AM is a conjunction in 21st Harmonic with an applying orb of 15 minutes of arc.

2 - Tactful, Sensitive, Influential, Cooperative, Inclusive, Intuitive, Supportive, Empathetic, Protective
1 - Independent, Ambitious, Proactive, Pioneering, Innovative, Self-centered, Uninhibited, Reckless, Motivated, Freedom-loving
3 - Artistic, Communicative, Curious, Jovial, Scattered, Social, Optimistic, Naïve, Youthful

The Golden Mean Aspect is a 144th Harmonic aspect without a doubt. 
The specific Harmonic conjunction seems to depend on the orb of the Golden Mean Aspect.  Objects that conjunct in the same chart as the objects in Golden Mean Aspect aren't necessarily in a Golden Mean Aspect.

My Mercury 47.51° Pluto - '01 (a golden aspect that I previously listed) is a conjunction with an orb of 1°06 in the 144th harmonic chart. 
Mars 145.62° Pluto - '34 (a golden aspect that I previously listed) is a conjunction with an orb of 6°57 in the 144th harmonic chart. 

I even have non-golden aspects that show up as conjunctions in the 144th harmonic chart that include:
My Mercury seminovile Jupiter - '03 (18th harmonic) show up as conjunction with an orb of  8°45
My Mercury triundecile Mars - '37 (11th harmonic) show up as conjunction with an orb 8°04

According to Harmonic theory,  aspects are used with proportionate orb

David Hamblyn used the following orbs       

Angle               Aspect                       Division by            Orb (1)              Orb (2)

     0°                  Conjunction                                            12°                15°
 180°                  Opposition                      2                        6°                 7°30'
120°                   Trine                                3                        4°                 5°
  90°                  Square                              4                         3°                 3°45'
  72°                  Quintile                            5                         2°24'            3°                                  60°                  Sextile                              6                        2°                 2°30
  511/2°             Septile                              7                        1°43'            2°08
  45°                 Semis-square                     8                         1°30'           1°53 
  40°                 Novile                               9                         1°20'           1°40
  36°                 Decile                             10                          1°12'           1°30
  30°                 Semi-sextile                    12                          1°                1°15
  24°                 Quin-Decile                    15                          0°45'           1°
  18°                Vigintile                           20                          0°36'           0°45'

In his book Harmonics, 
John Addey goes over the 13th Harmonic aspects, a

John Addey discusses 13. He wrote that it represents the one in the midst of the twelve and so suggests the idea of spiritual lordship.
One of the 13th harmonics that he listed was 138°28 which I immediately recognized is almost exactly one degree after the Golden Mean Aspect which is 137°30. 

I have a Moon-Uranus 13th Harmonic aspect with an orb of 34 minutes.  In my 13th Harmonic chart, Moon and Uranus are conjunct with an orb of 7°28.

He also made a remark about Dr. Theodor Landscheidt speaks of the 1024th Harmonic (2 to the 10th power) while making his point that we need not feel that we are too outlandish in looking for such intervals as the 125th (5x5x5).

I checked out my 1024th Harmonic.
It turns out that I have Sun-Mercury-Uranus conjunction in it.

Sun conjunct Mercury - 3°37'
Sun conjunct Uranus -   5°39'
Mercury conjunct Uranus - 2°02'

Dr. Theodor Landscheidt was into the Heliocentric system. He discusses the the importance of heliocentric configurations in Astrology. 
 I checked out my 1,024th Harmonic in Heliocentric system.  It turns out that I have an almost exact Earth-Eris conjunction and a Venus-Neptune conjunction within 1 degree orb

Earth conjunct Eris - '09
Venus conjunct Neptune - '40

I will be making a blog post about Dr. Theodor Landscheidt's astrological nativity from the 21st Century astrological perspective.

Divergent Astrology (21st Century Multidimensional Astrology) - The Way I Do Astrology

 The Way I do Astrology I have been studying Astrology since end of June of 1998.  My interest in Astrology as a psychological tool was insp...