I was looking at the placement of my Sun in the International Astronomical Union (IAU) constellation and Seleucid Period and Mul.Apin Constellations.
My Sun, Mercury, and Venus are in Scorpio in Tropical Zodiac and in Libra in Sidereal Zodiac.
I have been using the Sidereal Zodiac since reading Gavin White's book Babylonian Star-lore. Therefore, I view myself as having Libran placements and not Scorpion placements.
Right Ascension (RA) which is Equatorial Longitude
Dec (Declination) which is Equatorial Latitude
My Sun is in Virgo IAU constellation and was in The Scales in both Seleucid Period and Mul.Apin Babylonian constellations with RA of 14h12m10.74s
The first star above the Sun is Kappa Virgo Kang and is in Virgo IAU constellation and was in The Scales in both Seleucid Period and Mul.Apin Babylonian constellations with RA of 14h11m22.78s, and so it is conjunct the Sun within an orb of 4 minutes of Sidereal Time
The second star above the Sun is Iota Virgo Syrma and is in Virgo IAU constellation and was in The Scales in both Seleucid Period and Mul.Apin Babylonian constellations with RA of 14h12m31.56s, and so it is conjunct the Sun within an orb of 4 minutes of Sidereal Time.
The bright star above the Sun is Alpha Bootes Arcturus (The Abundant One) and is in Bootes IAU constellation and was in The with RA of 14h14m21.71s, and so it is conjunct the Sun within an orb of 4 minutes of Sidereal Time
The star right next to the Sun is Lamda Virgo Khambaliya and is in Virgo IAU constellation and was in The Scales in both Seleucid Period and Mul.Apin Babylonian constellations with RA of 14h17m34.30s and it is not within an orb of 4 minutes of Sidereal Time
It transited at 12h53m, and the Sun transited at 12h57m, and so they were in a culmination conjunction paran on the day that I was born
Its Dec is -13°14'32.6" and the Sun's Dec is 13°18'16.4s, and so they are in parallel within 10 minutes of arc
Sun and Khambaliya is 18 minutes past the orb of 1 degree for a 3D true body conjunction.
They're at just half a degree separation in Ecliptic Latitude.
Sun and Khambaliya having a meaningful connection seems likely.
My Mercury is in Libra in IAU and in The Scales in both Seleucid Period and Mul.Apin Babylonian Constellations with RA of 15h02m10.76s
The star above Mercury is Gamma Libra Zubenelhakrabi is in Libra IAU constellation and was in The Scales in both Seleucid Period and Mul.Apin Babylonian constellations with RA of 14h59m27.31s
The star below Mercury is Sigma Libra Brachium and is in Libra IAU constellation and was in The Scales in both Seleucid Period and Mul.Apin Babylonian constellations with RA of 15h02m24.29s
The Venus is in Libra in IAU and in The Scales in both Seleucid Period and Mul.Apin Babylonian Constellations with RA of 15h17m31.61s
The star above Venus is Beta Libra Zubeneschamali and is in Libra IAU constellation and was in The Scales in both Seleucid Period and Mul.Apin Babylonian constellations with RA of 15h15m28.80s
Stellarium notes:
Šala, ear of grain
Šala, ear of grain
The old constellation of the Furrow vanished and left the Maiden (goddess Šala) instead. The stable element is the 'ear of grain' as name for the brightest star (Greek Stachys, Latin Spica).
Šala was the Goddess of Grain. The ear of grain was her symbol.
Since MUL.APIN identifies the Scales with a part (horns) of the Scorpion this constellation vanished in early Greek astronomy and re-appeared only in early Roman times (Almagest and thereafter). We think, that the earlier versions of the Scales should have been a separate constellation and not part of the Scorpion. That's why, we turned it around 180° because in the Babylonian sky culture Virgo (as Furrow as well as the Maiden Šala) does not need so much space.
SU.PA(The Bright?) = Enlil/Elil who was God of wind, air, earth, and storms.
He was the supreme Sumerian deity. He was also god of farming.
Libra was also known as Zi-ba-an-na
The Scales represented the sungod Utu/Shamash in his role as God of Justice.
Shamash was said to have given the laws to King Hammurabi that became known as The Code of Hammurabi which include "An Eye For An Eye", "A Tooth For A Tooth", and "Life For A Life"
He was depicted as cutting off a man's arm as punishment with a serrated blade.
Babylonian justice can be quite severe and intense like this God seemed to have been.
There is a fine line between justice and revenge.
The scales was sacred to him.
Sun would have been favorably placed in The Scales which is contrary to the current view that Sun is unfavorably placed in Libra.
I embrace the original view and dismiss the current one.
I also don't view Libra as an airsign ruled by Venus which was associated with Inanna/Ishtar, The Goddess of Love, War, and Fertility.
I view my Sun, Mercury, and Venus as Ultu/Shamash Sun, Mercury, and Venus.
There is a strong possibility that the position of my Sun was in the Scales and not the Furrow/Maiden and then later was put into Virgo constellation.
My Sun happens to be near the end of Virgo.
The Sun is in the Virgo IAU constellation September 16 - October 31.
My birthday is October 29th.
I did a post about 1st Nisan 0786 B.C and showed that Sun and Venus were in their exalted degrees in the Sidereal Zodiac. https://divergentastrology.blogspot.com/2022/02/sidereal-exaltations-of-sun-and-venus.html
During that year, the stars currently in Virgo IAU constellations Syrma and Khambaliya were in Libra.
Syrma was in 8°54' Libra. Khambaliya was in 12°13' Libra.
Alpha Virgo star Spica was in 29°07 Virgo.
"The Ear of Wheat" being in Virgo makes a lot more sense than being in Libra.
Spica is in the Virgo IAU constellation and was in The Maiden in the Seleucid Period Babylonian constellation and The Furrow in the Mul.Apin Babylonian constellation.
Šala was the Goddess of Grain. The star associated with her would be in Virgo and not in Libra.
I have dealt with one dogmatic 13 sign Sidereal Astrologer who was really pushy with her views and kept telling me that my Sun is in Virgo and not in Libra even though I don't follow her system and prefer the 12 sign Sidereal Zodiac and viewing my Sun, Mercury, and Venus as being in Libra with the original Mesopotamian symbolism
She and others disregard that other cultures had constellations arranged differently. This was the case with the Babylonians.
I believe in keeping a open mind about the stars and constellations.
International Astronomical Union (IAU) constellations